Strange power problem



Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Hi, I have a Clevo/Kapok 1300 laptop. I tried to use it a few days ago
and it wouldn't turn on - it was completely dead - but I found that
plugging in an external monitor would make it work. The monitor doesn't
need to be turned on, just plugged in. When I unplug it from the laptop
I can see a small spark. It's as if the power is getting where it
shouldn't... everything is otherwise okay with it, and it's running off
the mains. When I unlpug the monitor it goes back to being 'dead'. I've
open the laptop up but everything looks okay.

Does anyone know what could be wrong?
Andrew Jones
andrewjjones at lineone dot net
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Andrew Jones <> wrote:
>plugging in an external monitor would make it work. The monitor doesn't
>need to be turned on, just plugged in. When I unplug it from the laptop
>I can see a small spark.

Sounds like a bad connection in the power supply (or the motherboard
connection) is preventing the ground from making contact. Hooking up
another ground (through the monitor port) makes it work. When the
battery is fully charged (plug in the monitor overnight to let it
charge) does it work off the battery? Could be as simple as a new
power supply, or could require some motherboard work. Does wiggling
the power supply cord where it plugs into the laptop change anything?
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

If its working on Ext monitor its an Inverter or backlight issue not a
power supply problem. Start the laptop and hold a light/ shine it
directly down from the top.. See if you can see the video working in
the background. What type of laptop is this? we repair a ton of these
issues and can also help you if you are a "do it yourselfer"
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

ikenfixit wrote:
> If its working on Ext monitor its an Inverter or backlight issue not a
> power supply problem. Start the laptop and hold a light/ shine it
> directly down from the top.. See if you can see the video working in
> the background. What type of laptop is this? we repair a ton of these
> issues and can also help you if you are a "do it yourselfer"

Ah, sorry, but I should have said that when a monitor is not plugged in,
the laptop is *completely* dead - the power light does not come on, the
hard drive does not spin up and the fan doesn't turn.

Thanks anyway. BTW, what do you mean by what type of laptop is it?
Andrew Jones
andrewjjones at lineone dot net
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Sounds like youve lost a 5V feed in your supply circuit. ALthough Ive
never seen this, It sounds like its getting the 5v from the monitor
port somehow completing the circuit. I'd love to see this notebook and
would be glad to give you a free estimate if you cannot get it going.
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Sounds like youve lost a 5V feed in your supply circuit. ALthough Ive
never seen this, It sounds like its getting the 5v from the monitor
port somehow completing the circuit. I'd love to see this notebook and
would be glad to give you a free estimate if you cannot get it going.
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?) (ikenfixit) wrote in message news:<419cafa3$>...
> Sounds like youve lost a 5V feed in your supply circuit. ALthough Ive
> never seen this, It sounds like its getting the 5v from the monitor
> port somehow completing the circuit. I'd love to see this notebook and
> would be glad to give you a free estimate if you cannot get it going.
> step daughter has a Sony Vaio laptop(3 years old) with the
same problem. the battery doesn't charge and even with a newly
purchased adapter the system does not power up. It appears to be a
power PORT problem(ie: on the laptop itself where the adapter plugs
into the laptop) that sony refuses to accept and wants to charge
hundreds of $$$ to fix their defective machine. any guidance on fixing
a power port problem is greatly appreciated
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Andrew Jones wrote:
> Hi, I have a Clevo/Kapok 1300 laptop. I tried to use it a few days ago
> and it wouldn't turn on - it was completely dead - but I found that
> plugging in an external monitor would make it work. The monitor doesn't
> need to be turned on, just plugged in. When I unplug it from the laptop
> I can see a small spark. It's as if the power is getting where it
> shouldn't... everything is otherwise okay with it, and it's running off
> the mains. When I unlpug the monitor it goes back to being 'dead'. I've
> open the laptop up but everything looks okay.

Turned out that it was using the monitor's ground. It seems that it
would usually get it from the transformer but the connector must be
funny. I now have to use a plug with the earth pin connected to a wire
crocodile clipped on the serial port surround, but at least it works!
Andrew Jones
andrewjjones at lineone dot net
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

On 16 Nov 2004 07:05:30 -0500,
(ikenfixit) wrote:

>If its working on Ext monitor its an Inverter or backlight issue not a
>power supply problem. Start the laptop and hold a light/ shine it
>directly down from the top.. See if you can see the video working in
>the background. What type of laptop is this? we repair a ton of these
>issues and can also help you if you are a "do it yourselfer"

Hi, I don't know if you saw my post, but I have to be a "do it
yourselfer" as I'm not in the US and it's something I'd like to solve,
if I can. The problem I have with 2 separate XE3s is very similar to
this one and I've almost fixed one and improved another. The last step
has got me beat though, I have to admit and would appreciate any
advice on common faults. Whatever it is, the failure is intermittent
and the fault is located in the top right hand area of the MB

I would be happy to come to some sort of reasonable arrangement if
you can help.In the original post, I didn't mention that the chip is
drawing current and gets very hot after the fan stops with both XE3s,
so it is not a heating issue as some have suggested. I also seem to
get more boots by removing the CD/DVD and FD

The amount of time and effort alone I've spent has made this project
completely non-viable, but I didn't want to upgrade until 64 bit
machines become reasonably priced and I just refuse to buy a new MB
for the laughable prices that HP want.

Message id is <>


Widespread problem with HP Omnibook XE3-GFs?
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Mziggy.. Your problem is common on vaios.. We can fix this issue easy
enough if you need help. Give us a buzz.