Study: Most American Adults Flunk Basic Science

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I would disagree with some of the comments. Its not about these subjects coming up often, its more about general knowledge. The fact that other countries which do not play an important role doesn't mean that you shouldn't study about them. There's more to learning or understanding other countries. Its about culture. I'm not from the west, yet I can name all capitals of every country, all the 50+ states in the US - not because the US plays an important part of the world, but we had to learn world history - which informs us of how America got colonized and how it came to be a nation today.

I remember one incident on a forum when there was this American guy arguing with an Austrian guy. In the end, the Amerian guy got so pi$$ed off at the Austrian guy and told him "go fxxk your kangaroos". That was priceless... He can't differentiate between Austria and Australia. Many Americans hardly knows what other countries are like. Its not only Geography, there are so much more that I've found out while I was travelling in the States. I also find the same issue with some parts of the UK. So..the question is, is it the education or is it the person him/herself?

very insightful, you might have not graduated from hs, but THEM ARE WISE WORDS SON

this is my second year of college, and all i meet are intelligent people... but making school more of a right than mandating it just seems so logical... AND if you put mandatory requirements, things should really work well... but public school should stay public for whoever wants to do it... and school does keep kids from doing dumb things in the streets of nyc, keep that in mind
[citation][nom]curnel_d[/nom]I dont care who or what science institute, text book publisher, or theorist decides what the 'mass' should learn, but carbon dating itself is based on theory. To base facts like "Only 59 percent of adults know that the earliest humans and dinosaurs did not live at the same time." ~ and it's exactly why 400 years ago we still thought the earth was flat. Based on some of the most accurately recorded information since the begining of time, The world is roughly 33-34 thousand years old.

So to assume that dinosaurs came first just because they have more carbon buildup on their fossilized bones just makes an ass out of yourself, and every one you teach it to.[/citation]

So what world do you come from that has developed life, built space craft in 30,000 years and made it to this planet we called Earth?

You'd be in the group of Americans "who thinks dinos and man lived together" either through bad schooling or religious reasons. And yea, there are people today who STILL THINK the world is flat.

Carbon dating works very well and is based on facts and calibration methods. But Carbon dating is only good for about 60,000 years - which is older than you're Earth and useless on dino fossils. There are other forms of dating materials on this and other planets that you are not aware, do some research. Also easy to work with is what we call Ice Core Samples, these are good to almost 800,000 years ago (the becomes to compressed at that point that its all mixed together. Hmmm... that's about 700,000 years past your "Earth was made 30-34k years ago".

There are NO descriptions of living dinos in recorded history. Fantasy dragons or Crocs (which ARE living dinos, in a sense) yes. Cave men drew the creatures they saw... none of them are of T-rex, raptors or other 30ft tall monsters.

The Earth is about 4.5Billion years old (give or take 1~100 million years) based of the study and research of people far smarter than any of us on this board.

Look up: carbon dating, ice core, Radioactive Decay, meteorites. Martian meteorites and moon rocks have been dated to 4.5billion years. Our planets formed roughly about the same time... and continues to change today as the Earth is always a changing planet. I am guessing you didn't go to ANY school to disregard the information that is considered sound because of your beliefs. Its called fake science to MAKE your DATA fit into a structure that you want... ie: to fit your bible's timeline in which God created everything about 25~40,000 years ago (depending on WHO is preaching).

[citation][nom]falchard[/nom]I don't think science expenditures should be increased at the federal level. Science is the biggest waste of money I can imagine. [/citation]

Things we wouldn't have without Science:
The computer you're using
The internet you're using to share your thoughts.
Medical science which keeps you and your kids healthy (or helps anyways)
Understanding our world so that we may survie in it.
The airliner you flew in to other parts of the country or world.
Winning the war against Germans and Japanese in WWII
Making skyscrapers, building roads, making cars the way they are today.
Your CELL-Phone (you do have one), that is built based on science of the past.

Whats your computer today? Some sore of dual-core CPU? Well, that 2000mhz CPU didn't JUST happen, it took 30 years to for the home computer to go from 1mhz to 3000mhz we have today. It requires steps, experince and abilities to properly make the very complext computers. The typical cellphone's motherboard is about 1"x2" and is MORE powerful than a typical $2000 1985 computer.

The DVD player you have, the HD-TV you use to watch football and porn is made from science. The software used to control all these things are made by programs which are made by science. None of these things are made by magic.

What does a country look like that has NO or little science? Look at a typical Afriacan or South American tribe.
[citation][nom]mavroxur[/nom]Basically, most American adults are idiots.[/citation]
LOOOOL mavroxur =)) =)) =)) =))
[citation][nom]kami3k[/nom]Sigh, it appears there are people on here who are a example of the failing education system, which is the real problem, Take, curnel_d for example. 400 years ago we thought the world was flat? Um... NO. Even the Ancient Greeks knew it wasn't, and one,Eratosthenes, figured the circumference to 1% of it's actual size. And I really hope you are joking about the worlds age, and the global flood....[/citation]

finally the voice of reason
[citation][nom]curnel_d[/nom]So to assume that dinosaurs came first just because they have more carbon buildup on their fossilized bones just makes an ass out of yourself, and every one you teach it to. [/citation]

You had me up to this point. You're slamming carbon dating, but don't even know up from down, literally, as carbon dating is based on the DECAY of carbon, not buildup. Secondly, it was mostly the Catholic Church of the era that was pushing flat-earth theories and executing anyone who suggested a heliocentric view. The parallel here would be that Galileo would be treated the same as carbon-dating scientists.

I'm a Christian too, but like to believe that science can happily coexist with God. He built a consistent, predictable world where things. God likes to summarize things with parables, analogies, artful language, etc. Yet the basic creation was first there is light (the Sun), then there is the Earth and eventually water as the world cools, then come simple lifeforms and plants, then animals and more complex life, then eventually come humans. Evolutionists and Theologists agree on the order, just Christians tend to adhere to a literal 6-days as in six 24-hour periods, no more. There's a great deal of precedent for time analogies, from II Peter 3:8 to Genesis 41:26.
[citation][nom]curnel_d[/nom]So to assume that dinosaurs came first just because they have more carbon buildup on their fossilized bones just makes an ass out of yourself, and every one you teach it to. [/citation]

You had me up to this point. You're slamming carbon dating, but don't even know up from down, literally, as carbon dating is based on the DECAY of carbon, not buildup. Secondly, it was mostly the Catholic Church of the era that was pushing flat-earth theories and executing anyone who suggested a heliocentric view. The parallel here would be that Galileo would be treated the same as carbon-dating scientists.

I'm a Christian too, but like to believe that science can happily coexist with God. He built a consistent, predictable world where things. God likes to summarize things with parables, analogies, artful language, etc. Yet the basic creation was first there is light (the Sun), then there is the Earth and eventually water as the world cools, then come simple lifeforms and plants, then animals and more complex life, then eventually come humans. Evolutionists and Theologists agree on the order, just Christians tend to adhere to a literal 6-days as in six 24-hour periods, no more. There's a great deal of precedent for time analogies, from II Peter 3:8 to Genesis 41:26.
[citation][nom]Tindytim[/nom]This one makes some amount of sense, as it's not as important as knowing how long a year is.What are you talking about? God created Dinosaurs in the same day he created Adam and Eve. Of course Dinosaurs and people lived at the same time.I think this information is great for children during their formative years to spark interest in a certain field or subject, but beyond that, people usually only remember what is necessary.We don't all need to be polymaths.[/citation]
Lol you talk about science and yet you come and talk about god and dynosaurs :)) this happens to ppl with imaginary friends in the skyes :) Religion is full of bullshit open your eyes for once.
I think Hellwig was right. Basically US Public Schools, with the help of "No Kid Left Behind" have created tests to prove that students know things. The schools that have a high number of students pass those test get rewarded, those that have a low number get punished. With that framework, the schools work on having the students pass the all important tests. Once you have passed you move on to the next subject. We do not teach people how to learn, how to use tools, how to reason and analyze information. Then we wonder why these same people can't remember the answers to questions asked 10, 15, 20+ years ago.
PEOPLE! Almost EVERY religion is based on a fictional character.

Way i see it, god(s) is just an imaginary friend for people.

Have you ever noticed how stupid people look while they are in church listening to the same stuff over and over again by someone who claims to be a servant of god, singing the same stuff and all that.

It's madness! the ancient Egyptians/Greeks/Romans all KNEW that there were many gods, who are we to say that they're wrong??? when even our current god(s) has not been revealed.

What if 3000 years from now they figure out the meaning of life and that there is no god, they will look back on us and think that we were fools.

If alien visitors just happened to contact us, which religion would the human race represent? there are many and not one is right. The alien visitors would think we're crazy...

Dont get me wrong, EVERY religion has good ideas, but to BELIEVE some of the nonsense is exactly the reason humans cannot work together or get along.
Just so you guys know you can take the test here

Now lets talk about what's wrong with the test.
1st, who answers phone surveys?

2nd with questions like How much of the earth is covered with water? The cool thing is the answers were 0-24% 25-49% 50-59% 60-70% 71-80% 80-100% With the correct answer being about 71% Now add to the fact that they got the question wrong and had 70% as the correct answer on thier answer sheet. They had this incorrect answer up on their website a few weeks ago when this was first reported on other web sites, and have since changed their answers to more reasonable ones like 66-75% for that question.

3rd, it's obvious (see above) that this is a science museum trying to get additional funding via FUD.
[citation][nom]bounty[/nom]Just so you guys know you can take the test here lets talk about what's wrong with the test.[/citation]
I took the test, even got the freshwater question correct. I guess you better believe in Charles Darwin’s natural selection and not Adam and Eve if you want 100% on that test.

Science, not Religion FTW
I think one problem is the blatant stereotyping of "intellectuals" in the US. It's almost as if anyone with an IQ higher than 130 is predisposed to get nowhere in life except living in one's parents' basement and playing WoW 24/7. Why? Intellectuals aren't valued socially in peer groups. They're made fun of.

This also has the domino effect of such kids lacking social skills, and ultimately, any motivation to do anything in a world that shunned them and threw them away like garbage...
[citation][nom]killerb255[/nom]I think one problem is the blatant stereotyping of "intellectuals" in the US. It's almost as if anyone with an IQ higher than 130 is predisposed to get nowhere in life except living in one's parents' basement and playing WoW 24/7. Why? Intellectuals aren't valued socially in peer groups. They're made fun of. This also has the domino effect of such kids lacking social skills, and ultimately, any motivation to do anything in a world that shunned them and threw them away like garbage...[/citation]

killerb255 ... am I sensing some social out casting during your childhood? :) j/k
[citation][nom]grieve[/nom]killerb255 ... am I sensing some social out casting during your childhood? j/k[/citation]

You sensed correctly. I'm not afraid to admit it. :)

I felt the need to mention that because I've known so many other bright people as well that have had their self-esteem damaged so much that they end up choosing to live in their mum's basement and play WoW 24/7 (I don't play WoW at all, and I don't live at home either). I try to set an example by actually contributing to society through word and deed (I neither live with my folks nor play WoW).

Anyway, I do think that if society didn't shun intellectuals so much, US Science scores would improve. It's not like the potheads and methheads among the status quo are going to fix the problem...
Very true, you do have a very valid point. While growing up the “nerds” do have a difficult time… I think that the others also have a difficult time, even the most popular kids. Childhood school days are a tough time emotionally for everyone.
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