Subwoofer not working on PC

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Jan 2, 2017
My friend gave me 2 speakers and a sub that goes with them. The 2 speakers work, but the sub won't output any sound. I'm sure it's an old set up, they're Klipch THX Lucasfilm. I'm using Windows 10 (might be an issue with how old these might be) and Realtek audio software. I just have my stock soundcard on my MSI Z97 motherboard. If someone could walk me through how to see if it works and get it working that would be great! Thanks! :)

back of sub

Sorry for the delayed response, I've been busy with school 🙁. My full specs are
Motherboard: MSI Z97 Krait Edition
CPU: Intel i7 4790k
SSD: Samsung 250gb
HDD: Western Digital Blue 1TB
PSU: 650W Corsair

I'm connecting using one 3.5 mm jack into the back of my PC and using Realtek Audio Software.


How do I go about doing that? I see no option for 2.0 or large speakers on my realtek.

So what do I need to do to get it working? There is no 2.1 option in my Realtek


I had it on stereo when I first got the speakers and it still didn't work. I looked up some solutions and some of them said to try 5.1 and disable the speakers you don't have. Is there any effect to what slot I put the jack into? I'm not even sure if the sub works
Update: just tried stereo and sub still isn't working

It's entirely possible the sub is broken but first (1) You have to make sure you are playing a sound track with plenty of LFE (Low Frequency Effect) that stuff below 80 hz. The picture you show is kinda dark, is there a sub gain control? turn it all the way up. Is there a cross-over knob, set it to 80.

I have people here posting why their surround doesn't work and it turn out they are relying on a surround test track from youtube, and youtube doesn't send you surround, time wasted.

so play something WITH KNOWN, PLENTY LFE.

All of the bass comes out of the speakers instead of the subwoofer. The Subwoofer still isn't playing anything. I'm sure the frequency is low enough that it should be playing through the sub. I used spotify soundcloud and itunes.
Heres some kind of knob:

There are no knobs or buttons on the subwoofer except for the on switch.


Is there anyway to repair the sub? If I were to open it up what would I be looking for?
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