Sudden Performance Drop in my Dell XPS 15 -- Please Help Me

Jul 16, 2018

I've had my Dell XPS 15 for almost a year now and there hasn't been any issues with it up until now. It seems that overnight my laptop would take a lot longer to open up programs and there was a significant change in gaming performance. Before my computer began acting up, I would consistently get 50-60 frames in Overwatch (high settings) and had absolutely no problems. It ran the game great. But now, my frame rate fluctuates quite a bit usually staying in the 40-30 fps range but often dips down to 20 and even 10 fps. On top of that, the audio in the game has been acting up. Sometimes when my frame rate will drop really low, I'll start to loose certain sound effects like the sound of my gun and the audio regularly stutters regardless of fps.

Thank you so much for reading my thread and any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.