SUGGESTIONS: Looking for new speakers + subwoofer for PC


Jan 30, 2013
I would like to have your suggestion on a new pair of speakers + subwoofer for my computer.

I dont have an amp or a console. This is the motherboard that I am using:

I am not much of an audiophile, but I do like a punchy bass and the ability to crank the volume up so I can hear the sound when I'm in other rooms.

I will be using these in my medium-sized bedroom to play games, watch movies and listen to music (Trance, K-pop, Metal, Electronic).

I was considering this pair:
- Speakers:
- Subwoofer:

My budget is around 300$.
Those speakers won't do you any good without an amp. If you want good computer speakers, Logitech Z625 are good Or Z623 for ones with no optical input. You may want to spend a bit more to get that option in case you would want to use it later. Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 is another one, very similar to the Logitech speakers, a big better reviews on those.

If you want something that is more balanced and "musical" sounding, powered studio monitors are good. They would have good volume and sound but less bass than the ones with subs. KRK, JBL, MAudio, several others, all would be good picks for good sound.
Those speakers won't do you any good without an amp. If you want good computer speakers, Logitech Z625 are good Or Z623 for ones with no optical input. You may want to spend a bit more to get that option in case you would want to use it later. Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 is another one, very similar to the Logitech speakers, a big better reviews on those.

If you want something that is more balanced and "musical" sounding, powered studio monitors are good. They would have good volume and sound but less bass than the ones with subs. KRK, JBL, MAudio, several others, all would be good picks for good sound.
^ Klipsch 'did' have a 2.1 system that was meh. It sounds good, but it's lasting performance is notoriously bad in reviews.

Logitech has a couple of 5.1 corded options out that are fairly inexpensive and sound darn good by "computer speaker" standards. They even work good as a stand in for a full system in a small room on the TV. They get loud and have some bass. Audiophile quality, no, but very serviceable.

If money isn't the object so much as sound, there are a couple of nice options for powered speakers out there. Personally IF I were going to spend that much I would probably look towards a small receiver or integrated amp and some "real" home audio speakers. Many of the manufacturers make some nice, small bookshelf types that will still be 'in place' on a desk.
Thanks for your answers.

I'm going to go for the logitech z623 since they're 150$ and the promedia 2.1 is 230$ right now (canadian dollars).

I was also worried that the promedia 2.1 was going to fail because, like you said, a lot of people complained about their longevity.