Its been nearly 3 weeks since i bought my surface pro 3 i5 128g model and ive been starting to notice some problems. First off, the battery life is seems really bad. For me, i use it for school and it only seems to last a few hours, usually 4-5 hours which seems i bit bad. secondly, the heat coming from the back of the surface seems awfully hot when i browse on chrom while charging.There also seems to be some grid like marks on the back thats most visible when looking side on while light is shining on it. Third and lastly, sometimes after closing my surface for a while and coming back and after logging in, nothing seems to be responsive, as in, when double click on programs they wont load, shutting down wont work (i have to manually shut down by holding down the power button).
TL;DR - battery lasts only 4-5 hours, heat feels hotter than its suppose to be when browsing lightly while charging, grid marks on the back, programs sometimes unresponsive after waking up from sleep
TL;DR - battery lasts only 4-5 hours, heat feels hotter than its suppose to be when browsing lightly while charging, grid marks on the back, programs sometimes unresponsive after waking up from sleep