Surround Sound System Reciever with PC


Dec 3, 2012
So my motherboard has built in surround sound capabilities which I use with a pc specific surround system. Im thinking of upgrading to a surround sound with a receiver so I can use it with my tv and Xbox as well. My graphics card uses the hdmi out which I know does sound and video, if I run the graphics card hdmi out to the surround sound reciever in then do the out hdmi to the tv from the reciever, will it still function to give me surround sound on the computer?

This is the surroind sound system I was looking at:
ONKYO HT-S3500 5.1-Channel Home Theater System

sorry one other concern, my current onboard surround sound has an option called speaker fill which makes alot of non surround sound items into surround sound, if im using the hdmi will the reciever make this sense of this or will alot of the things that arent actually surround no longer be made that way by the speaker fill option?
if I run the graphics card hdmi out to the surround sound reciever in then do the out hdmi to the tv from the reciever, will it still function to give me surround sound on the computer?
Yes - "true" or "simulated" surround depends on your source 😀

if im using the hdmi will the reciever make this sense of this or will alot of the things that arent actually surround no longer be made that way by the speaker fill option?

if said source is not "true surround" most AVRs have many functions to "simulate surround"
The latest A/V surround receivers have DPLIIx, which takes a two-channel stereo source and simulates 7.1-channel surround sound.

Oops, I almost forgot. Most new A/V surround receivers offer a "5-channel stereo" or "7-channel stereo" mode, which mixes the left and right stereo channels from a 2-channel disc into ALL the amplifiers and speakers you’ve got running.