It's not this tablet it's the other one hold 20 seconds nothing and how do you get in to the battery ,it was Finn watching the u tube just went out just won't turn back on
Did you try charging it? Just because it 'said' it had half a charge doesn't mean it actually did. If the battery is going bad, it will hold less and less of a charge, while saying it has more than it actually does.
Nothing to do with the charging,I put it on to watch my tube, five minutes tablet just went out,nothing to do the battrey it would tell menus I already had the lead in just went off now still can't find out how to put it on
I get you feel it isn't the battery. However, to rule things out and narrow down the issue, things have to be tried. So, again, since this happened, have you tried connecting it to the charger for a while to see if it charges?