Solved! TCL tv audio

Nov 21, 2018
Need to connect TCL 55R617 tv to soundbar and audio headphones at same time. Is there a way to connect soundbar to HDMI ARC for room audio and also have headset capability at the same time for hard of hearing persons. I am going nuts trying to figure this out. How about an HDMI ARC to HDMI ARC pass through box with some kind of audio out for headphones.
If the TCL app doesn't work for you then split the optical audio output of the TV.
Connect both the soundbar and a bluetooth transmitter to the splitter. Turn on the optical output, turn the TV speakers off and set the TV audio type to PCM.
Now both the soundbar and bluetooth headphones will work at the same time.
It's easier and cheaper to do this with optical and there would be no advantage using ARC.
so are u saying that i can use the roku tcl app, plug in my ear buds on the phone and listen privately while my wife listens to regular sound from the sound bar? I thought that the minute you plug in your headset all the outputs from the TV go off. I mean all. the HDMI ARC and the optical.
If the TCL app doesn't work for you then split the optical audio output of the TV.
Connect both the soundbar and a bluetooth transmitter to the splitter. Turn on the optical output, turn the TV speakers off and set the TV audio type to PCM.
Now both the soundbar and bluetooth headphones will work at the same time.
It's easier and cheaper to do this with optical and there would be no advantage using ARC.
I really appreciate your help. the only thing I wanted to accomplish with the ARC was to be able to control the soundbar output with the TCL roku remote. They don't make things easy do they. The tv manufactures decide how you should listen instead of you.
Doesn't cost u anything to try the app. 2 ways audio output is not a "mainstream" application. Heck lots of TVs even got rid of the headphone jack completely.

p.s.: if u end up going thru hdmi/optical, your BT transmitter, assuming ur using a wireless headset must accept digital input and have a local volume control 'cuz what comes out of digital most likely will be fixed volume. If not BT, then after the split you will need a DAC with amp.
TV To Headphones AND Receiver/Speakers

My husband is hearing impaired and needs headphones to hear the TV. I prefer listening via speakers.

Our 10+ year old Samsung TV had an audio out (not amplified) which we ran to a mini/personal amp to a headphone for my hearing impaired husband, and HDMI from the TV to a Yamaha receiver to speakers for me. BUT we just got a new TV last week and using the TV audio out (amplified) did work with the headphone and mini/personal amp, but shut down sound coming out of any other source from the TV. Plugging into the headphone jack on the receiver also only allowed headphone, no speakers.

Oh good grief...what to do that would give us good sound out of both a headphone AND receiver/speakers?!??!?


Optical out from TV to DAC (3 optical inputs)

Optical out from DAC to optical in on the receiver (AV4)

Switch to AV4 on the receiver so that sound comes out of the speakers

Plug stereo audio cable (male to male) into the headphone jack on the DAC

Something like this:

Plug the other end of this cable into a mini/personal amp like this:

Plug in headphone(s) to the mini/personal amp

BAM! Success. We can each adjust what volume that we want.

Just posting this for anyone else with similar needs as us.