The 7-inch iPad Rumor is Back Thanks to Kindle Fire

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Kindle is a threat to IPAD. This is good, but I think Jobs might have been correct. People are not buying Kindle for the size its because the experience you get. It allows people to do what most others do with tablet which is read the internet online books and play video games. Its hard to justify $500 for IPAD when that is all you want to do. Unless IPAD comes down in price to match Kindle it is DOA. Nobody will go for it.
So... after trying out Android and iOS, I'm still in deep confusion as to why is there a need for more powerful tablets. They're still ridiculously limited by their OSs - I'm STILL waiting for my x86 tablet.
Ok there are things I like about a 7" screen. I like putting the Kindle Fire in my coat pocket and toting it around with me to bars/ coffee shops and checking my email on the fly. Yeah I'm that guy that is watching football and checking my fantasy team at the same time. You can't put an Ipad in your pocket. And phones just aren't as cool at the 7" tablet. But anyway... I do feel that the Kindle Fire is a bit bunk. It just doesn't do 1/2 what you can do with an Ipad. Its only redeeming feature is its ability to be put in the coat pocket. Now this is actually a pretty cool feature, and I am glad that I have a Fire. But at the same time I also now plan on buying an Ipad3 so that I can do a lot of other things on it, like Skype, read larger things, type better.... etc....
I am thinking about buying the Kindle precisely because of the size. It's the entire reason I never bought an iPad. I want something the size of a paperback book. That's the perfect size for me. The iPad is currently too big. But I will consider buying one if they bring out a smaller version (or a bigger Touch).

If Apple can come out with a $300 iPad about the size of the Kindle, I'm in. The extra functionality you get with iPad is worth $100 more. But not $200 more.
its interesting how the market has slamed the 7 in blackberry playbook but its okay for kindle and perhaps apple. the playbook 16 g unit is selling for 200 and can do most things a full size computer can do. the video is spectaclar and it has a kobo app for any book. Get one before they increase the price.
The 8 inch tablet is a good size if in the 4:3 screen ratio. The Fire seems ok, but locked down to much.--much like Apple. I give Apple credit though as far as build quality it is superb, just don't want to deal with the closed system.

I own the Archos 80 G9 and for basic stuff it can't be beat for the price. Sure it's build quality is questionable, but for $269 and full fledged honeycomb experience you can't go wrong. The video and music streaming from your network computer works good. Impressed with the screen compared to $199 tabs.
I might take a 7" tablet to do the following:
-Use as a Navigation System/Stereo in my car (Mount needed)
-Operate my Garage
-Manage my household, the lights, electricity, etc.
-Interact with my DVR at home
-As another commenter said, sit in a bar/coffee shop and browse the web, check E-mails
-Mount to my PC or a projection system to I can use it to play games (but I guess they can't run Crysis yet, can they?). Built-in Kinect would be nice.
-Note taking (having a stylus for this would be nice) and using MS Office
-A built-in personal assistant (like Siri) would also be a necessity.
Let's hope it won't have a home button this time.

No oleophobic coating on the screen (a la 3GS and up) and aluminium back (a la iPad) is the reason why I haven't bought a new iPod touch in, oh, 3 years. They better not skimp on those. Oh, and include a charger ffs! AFAIK only the iPod doesn't come with one. iPhones and iPads do. If you're selling it as an iPad it better include one.
A 7" iPad should do well... as some people may prefer that more portable size. Actually - Apple should do VERY good to come out with such a product. Such a user may keep the 10" iPad home for use all over - but take the 7" with them. With iCloud - all their data is accessible.

But I don't SEE it meeting Fire's $200 price point. Maybe $300. The 7" iPad Must come with the cameras and other features that Kindles don't have. Also, if the 7" iPad has the same 1024x768 resolution - that'll bring it to near-retina display.

We'll see.
Rumors and speculation are fun but more often than not have no factual foundation. Would an oversized IPOD touch (that is what is really being discussed) might sell. Would apple be willing to cut its margins on its other devices or in fact compete against itself is hard to predict.

It is still annoying that many believe the Fire is positioned to compete with the Ipad. Amazon is selling a device to provide content (sell) from books to general merchandise.

One thing is clear, consumers are in love with gadgets and some love to write 21st Century gossip.
To small for a tablet but not to big for a iPod. Semantics, I know... But doesn't go against the "blessed word" of the "prophet" (church choir)
I'm not sure if phasing out ipod would be a good move for Apple. Like one of the above posters said, it's too big to use as pmp, but small as tablet. The question is, if those who are currently using Ipod willing to jump on Iphone wagon after phasing out. Otherwise, Apple would lose money.
still waiting for windows 8 tablets. they will have the awesome tablet-y interface current ones do, but have the full functionality of windows
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