The PSP is a... Comics Store?

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May 29, 2008
People didn't like watching movies on the PSP, but I'm sure they'll love reading comics. Comic collectors love nothing more than gently flipping through the pages of a comic, smelling the ink print, pouring over the intricate details of the artwork, then gently sliding the comic back into the protective sleeve. I'm sure the PSP will offer the same wonderful experience.


Sometimes I watch movies and series episodes on my PSP, but the ripping / transcoding isn't allways worth the trouble. Most of the time I spend on the device is playing games. I guess the same will happen to comics.

I wish Sony would keep their focus tight. It's nice seing Resistance and Phantasy Star on the handheld, we need more of that. Some PSP games are true gems... Like Jeanne d'Arc (which is an exclusive), for example. Please keep them coming.

I don't know why developers have a hard time deciding to invest on the PSP. More PSP's were sold than every new generation console (Wii included). If a must have title is published, I have no doubt the sales will come.


Jul 3, 2008
I don't know why developers have a hard time deciding to invest on the PSP. More PSP's were sold than every new generation console (Wii included). If a must have title is published, I have no doubt the sales will come.

Well, as far as the handheld/portable market goes, DS sales outrank PSP purchases at a rate of 2-to-1. And now that the iPhone is generating so much interest as a portable gaming device--with programmers like Carmack, et al., touting iPhone's exceptional hardware and interface--I'd say the PSP is likely to slip even farther from the minds of developers as a platform of choice...

And...just a nitpick: While you're correct, the PSP has sold a smegload of units, the Wii recently surpassed it in sales...


Well, reichscythe, one can allways hope...

Anyway, I've had tons of fun on the dozen or so games I've finished on mine. I'd say the price of admission was more than worthy. There are still quite a few games I intend to play on it. If I ever run out of options, I may consider a DS.

iPhone? No, thanks. I prefer the feedback of real buttons. Besides, I've seen it strugling with 2d Sim City, which failed to impress me. Gimmick zoom was not enough. Maybe the next iteration will be more graphics capable.
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