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"Glenn Dowdy" <> wrote in message news:<uxTid.2475$>...
> "Nmm" <> wrote in message
> > (Scott Dorsey) wrote in message
> news:<cmg68k$pr$>...
> > > Mark Steven Brooks <> wrote:
> > > ><<It's good stuff, actually. >>
> > > >
> > > >Then you won't mind if we ship some over to your house for your kids to
> play
> > > >with?
> > >
> > > Just like lead, it's a heavy metal and it's bad for kids to play with
> > > unsupervised. You should wash your hands after handling it, just like
> > > working with solder.
> > >
> > > I have a couple bags in the garage but if you want to send over some
> more,
> > > I am sure it will come in handy for my new turntable plinth. I have
> sold
> > > my old Fairchild table on Ebay and need to figure out a solid mount for
> > > a 16" Sony broadcast platter.
> > > --scott
> >
> >
> > How about if we vapourize it near your kid's school?
> How will you do that?
Does it matter how? You realy don't want your kids breathing it do
> >
> > It takes on quite a differant charchter when vapourized; like when it
> > used with explosiceves and explodes. The international courts have it
> > banned as a "weapon of Mass Destruction" .
> Cite? And how can it be a WMD?
I think it's use was reffered to as "genocidal" , another part of
America avoiding the World Courts, and International War crimes
tribunals ( Rome Accord ).
> What's your delivery method for affecting
> hundreds and thousands of people? A flat file?
I;m not trying to do this. If you need a sceme to do this, there is
something wrong here.
> > They are the same ones that said lead preservatives in vaccines are
> > "Good For You".
> Cite?
It was peice that CBS news sent out to all it's local affiliates. It
stated that "Lead Preservatives used in vaccines are actually <<good
for you>>". It was picked up by Alex Jone's
website. He is just reporting what CBS said, if you don't trust Alex
Jones. Obviously Lead is not "Good For You".
> > Lead causes brain damage, depleted uranium causes
> > cancer.
> So don't eat it.
> >
yes I wouldn't recomend that. I would also say you shouldn't breath
in the dust, though if you are within 1000 miles of Kabul, Baghdad,
Bosnia, and other places where people are dropping shells made of DU
> > And to anyone who says differant I will pay you $5. Euros for every
> > 10g you eat of powderd depleted Uranium. Go Ahead, feed it to your
> > kids.
> Is sulfur a WMD?
no sulfer actually kills bacteria and is used in medicines, or was
until penicillian was discovered.
Chlorine is considered a WMD apparently and that's why millions died
of disentry in Iraq because they couldn't purify their water.
> I sure wouldn't eat 10g of it, either. I wouldn't eat 10g
> of dog feces for five Euros, but it's hardly a danger. Would you eat that
> much lead?
The Dog feces is more of a Fear Factor stunt, not something that you
would want to eat, but rather harmless, unless the dog has worms. I'd
say eating 10g of powdered Depleted Uranium would be enough to make
some one really sick with serious long term health effects. The "what
would you eat for $5 Euros"is beside the point. Would you eat 10g or
powdered DU?