These Laptops Worth It?

The Chomebook, I don't think so.

The other 2, probably.

They haven't "sold" (those still show on Ebay), they've been removed. So either it was a scam & they were taken down, or potentially the account was hacked with the culprit listing fake items for sale.... again, reported/removed.
I mean, they're legit in the sense those are products that exist?

The Chromebook probably is a legit sale. The seller has a solid track record with feedback/sales.

The other 2, while not worth a lot, would likely cost more to ship than the BIN prices. For that reason, I'd be skeptical.
Looking at the history of each seller, their feedback is mostly as a buyer, not as a seller.
I wouldn't be confident in receiving either of the HP's.

Ok, so it's not a scam?
Nevermind, I think they got sold. It's not opening anymore...
The Chomebook, I don't think so.

The other 2, probably.

They haven't "sold" (those still show on Ebay), they've been removed. So either it was a scam & they were taken down, or potentially the account was hacked with the culprit listing fake items for sale.... again, reported/removed.

Yeah, ok! Thanks. And so I can just get a Chromebook and flash windows. Well, so it's only for some minor stuff, nothing powerful.

Ok, but there are ways to do so. My friend modded his bios or something and installed windows.