Thrift store brag 9/28/05



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When I went to the thrift store today, there was a HUUUUGE bin of NES
games. So I grabbed as many of them as I could that I thought I *might*
not have and put them in a cart and asked the lady at the register to
watch them for me while I ran out to my car, because lucky me - I had
brought my "list" with me..

Anyway, after checking all the cartridges in the bin against "THE
LIST", I was able to identify 20 games which were not on there. I don't
know whether any of these games are rare enough to constitute a
traditional "brag", but at this point in my collecting, *any* game I
find that's not on my list is considered a brag. Anyway, here are the
games I walked away with for $3 apiece:

1 no label "mystery game" (I love taking chances..)
Bill y Ted's excellent adventure
Bucky O'hare
Caesar's Palace
California Games
Disney's Adventures
Karate Champ (been wanting this for a LONG TIME)
Rolling Thunder
SKI or die
Simpson's Bart VS Space Mutants
Skull & crossbones
Track & field II
Wheel of fortune
Wheel of fortune family edition
Win, lose or draw
Zelda II

I also picked up a N64 "jumper pack" which I needed for $2. The
"mystery game", it turns out, was one that I actually needed: BASEBALL

So all in all a pretty good haul (also picked up another vintage "TV
table" for $3, I have six of them now to hold the consoles under the
tables and use space efficiently).
Archived from groups: (More info?)

> Beetlejuice
> Bill y Ted's excellent adventure
> Bucky O'hare
> Caesar's Palace
> SKI or die
> Simpson's Bart VS Space Mutants
> Skull & crossbones
> Toobin

These are good scores, in terms of rarity. Congrats.