TiVo to Sell Data on Your Ad Watching Habits

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"They have gone to far, and soon the people will join me, and i for one don't see a need for "non-violence"."

Yes, let's start killing people because they want to know what commercials we watch. That makes total sense.
TiVo has always said they would sell information on user activities, but not in such away that subscribers could individually identified.

If it keeps TiVo in business and rates flat, it's fine by me.

Nothing to see here.
When I watch a recorded show, I ALWAYS skip the commercials. When I'm watching live TV, I either do something else while the commercial is playing or switch to another channel if the commercial is especially annoying.
I want to get paid by Tivo for my data. How dare they sell my personal info, blast me with advertisements, and charge me monthly for a hardrive and some open source software. I think I should post a how to build an open source dvr guide somewhere. Followed by a how to steal cable guide. I pay a fortune for cable and I'm getting fed up. It's complete crap and now Charter has started spamming my cell phone with junk mail. That costs me a nickel per ad.
I've got prepaid, lifetime subscription for both of my TiVo boxes, plus added external hard drives to ensure that I've always got space to record what I want and save what I want. I do not watch any live TV anymore since it is a complete waste of time with some shows having almost 1/3 of their airtime as commercials.
I have no strong feelings about TiVo collecting data on commercials actually watched. I know I don't want any data to be traceable to me, but if the increased revenues improve the offerings TiVo has for me, I approve.
If anything I personally think that internet skanky ho from high school musical who contradicts what all the experts tell other young adults about what not to do and the consequences if they do do such things(which apparently only apply when convenient) is a heck of a lot more annoying than Miley. And I haven't even seen the skanky ho's movies but it still annoys the heck out of me when they put that skank on every other commercial. Damn double standards! Sears and all those company's should be ashamed of themselves. I definitely fast forward through that crap (I don't have TiVo though).

I do however find some commercials to be quite humorous! =) And even if it isn't an add for me if it looks funny or I have seen it before and know it's funny I will watch those. Like the "Pjblands". That's just good funny stuff! =) And a commercial that came out a few years back - I am not a playstation fan I admit but damn that was one funny commercial - there was an add showing a guy playing some ATV racing game online on the playstation against someone else. The other guy kept going off the track and wrecking into the guy we are watching and messing him up. The main guy you have been watching comments, "Who is this clown?" - then que the circus music and the commercial switches to the other player and it is an actual clown! =) That was just hilarious and I still remember it. Heck, all the old bud light commericials and a few newer ones. That's just great stuff to.
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