S sschardt52 Jan 21, 2019 1 0 10 Jan 21, 2019 #1 I powered on my toshiba laptop c550 b5310 and its wants the hdd/ssd password i cant boot it up esc f1 doesnt work how do i fix that
I powered on my toshiba laptop c550 b5310 and its wants the hdd/ssd password i cant boot it up esc f1 doesnt work how do i fix that
bignastyid Splendid Moderator Jun 19, 2011 3,148 60 26,840 Jan 21, 2019 #2 http/www.tomsguide.com/forum/id-2317968/read-passwords-lock-codes-pin-numbers.html Upvote 0 Downvote