Solved! Toshiba keyboard to touchy



My Toshiba keyboard is so sensitive that I can,t hardly type a letter, if I don't wartch the screen I might be typeing over what I just wrote
The touch pads on most new lap tops is heat sensitive. Just having you hands near the pad can inadvertantly trigger it.
On my Toshiba there is a key to disable the touch pad. Typing is then perfect. An auxiallary mouse can be used if the pad is turned off.

Some laptops have the feature that the pad can be made less sensitive. This would work, too. My laptop only has the on/off switch.
The touch pads on most new lap tops is heat sensitive. Just having you hands near the pad can inadvertantly trigger it.
On my Toshiba there is a key to disable the touch pad. Typing is then perfect. An auxiallary mouse can be used if the pad is turned off.

Some laptops have the feature that the pad can be made less sensitive. This would work, too. My laptop only has the on/off switch.