Toshiba laptop M35 maximum memory advise



Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Hello, I have Toshiba laptop M35X-S149 with Intel Celeron M 1.5 GHz .
Factory memory is 256.

The maximum memory it can take is 2GB. My plan was that when memory gets a
little reasonable, I'll put more memory in it.

I went to buy 1GB memory stick for it. The salesman told me that I'll be
wasting my money if I put 2 GB memory in it because celeron processors are
very inefficient in handling large memory and I'll not see any improvement
beyond 1GB. Is he right?

He also said that I should pur 2x512 instead of 1GB because I'll get more
improvement that way. Is he right?

3rd, bus speed is 400 MHZ. But the current memory is 333 mhz. Should I put
new memory at 333mhs or 400mhz.

What is your recommendation how far should I go with the upgrade and which
speed of the memory.

Thank you very much.


Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

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Hi John,

I just recently upgraded my HP Pavilion zd7010us from 512MB to 2GB.
The performance difference is like night and day. It is not uncommon
for me to have a dozen windows open and another dozen+ utilities
sitting in the system tray.

I don't think that the CPU being a Celeron will cut performance out
at 1GB.

Functionally, I would think that there shouldn't be a major
difference between (1) 1GB vs (2) 512MB. The only thing I would say
is that if you buy the 2 512MB SoDIMMS you will be unhappy if you
later want to go to 2GB. I justed waited till the price was right at
Crucial then bought the 2 1GB SoDIMMS. They ran $339US.

When you are talking computers, the machine is no faster than its
slowest component. Always use the maximum rated speed for the
motherboard and you will get the best performance.

Ciao . . . C.Joseph

That which a man buys too cheaply . . .
He esteems too lightly

john smith wrote:
> Hello, I have Toshiba laptop M35X-S149 with Intel Celeron M 1.5 GHz .
> Factory memory is 256.
> The maximum memory it can take is 2GB. My plan was that when memory gets a
> little reasonable, I'll put more memory in it.
> I went to buy 1GB memory stick for it. The salesman told me that I'll be
> wasting my money if I put 2 GB memory in it because celeron processors are
> very inefficient in handling large memory and I'll not see any improvement
> beyond 1GB. Is he right?
> He also said that I should pur 2x512 instead of 1GB because I'll get more
> improvement that way. Is he right?
> 3rd, bus speed is 400 MHZ. But the current memory is 333 mhz. Should I put
> new memory at 333mhs or 400mhz.
> What is your recommendation how far should I go with the upgrade and which
> speed of the memory.
> Thank you very much.
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