Solved! Toshiba Satelite i3 not installing Windows 10

Apr 10, 2018
Hi there,
About 4 days ago I bought a Toshiba Satellite Pro (not sure which one but I can check if needed)
With the laptop came 2 Windows discs for Windows 10 because the laptop currently only had Windows 7
I went into the Toshiba BIOS setup (held in F2 whilst starting the laptop up) and changed the boot order to read the disc first - I started the setup and I clicked on the Toshiba Recovery Wizard and allowed it to do its thing, it went to 29% and stopped, then asked for the next disc, which I put in, but it hasn't moved since the 29 percent. It has already erased the main partition so I can't start it up through the Windows boot up commands and I'm stuck on what to do now because my computer has no OS on it, all I have is the windows 10 installation discs that I'm struggling to install,
help would be appreciated, thanks,