Fatal Error
An error has been encountered that prevents Setup from countinuing.
Windows is unable to start because the registry could not be updated. To address this problem, please contact your computer manfactuer.
Windows must now Shut Down.
Press OK to view the Setup log life
**laptop freezes**
My Toshiba laptop has been acting up and freezing after running the recovery DVD the laptop came with.
I thought it was due to the hard drive being shot, so I ordered a new hard drive from newegg and replaced it.
After installing the hard drive, I ran the recovery DVD and now I am getting the error stated above. Anyone have any
clue what steps to take inorder to make this old Toshiba work?
I thought it would be cheaper to repair this old laptop to use for playing poker while at work instead of playing on a netbook.
Thanks for your time and replys.
An error has been encountered that prevents Setup from countinuing.
Windows is unable to start because the registry could not be updated. To address this problem, please contact your computer manfactuer.
Windows must now Shut Down.
Press OK to view the Setup log life
**laptop freezes**
My Toshiba laptop has been acting up and freezing after running the recovery DVD the laptop came with.
I thought it was due to the hard drive being shot, so I ordered a new hard drive from newegg and replaced it.
After installing the hard drive, I ran the recovery DVD and now I am getting the error stated above. Anyone have any
clue what steps to take inorder to make this old Toshiba work?
I thought it would be cheaper to repair this old laptop to use for playing poker while at work instead of playing on a netbook.
Thanks for your time and replys.