Toshiba Screen Black After Startup

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My 3 year old Toshiba Satellite S55-A5188 has a completely black screen upon booting up. After looking through many threads I have discovered that I can get it temporarily working again by:
1. Doing a force shut down
2. Removing the battery and AC adapter
3. Holding the power button for about a minute
4. Reconnecting power and turning it on
However, once I am done using the computer and shut it off again, once I need to boot it up again the next day I run into the same problem and have to go through it all over again. What is the origin of this issue, and what can I do so that I don't have to go through those steps every single time?

First, turn your computer off by pressing and holding down the start button. Next, unplug the...

First, turn your computer off by pressing and holding down the start button. Next, unplug the computer and remove the battery. Press and hold down the start button for about 60 seconds. Release the button and plug in the computer. Press the start button and the display should return. Replace the battery. If this does not work, try it again up to four times. Getting no results usually indicates a bad motherboard. I hope this helps.


Well done Shinxxi - that's exactly what the thread-starter said he had done before you posted your "fix".
I thought at first he had posted a duplicate - - :lol:

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