Tough choice?


Mar 10, 2011
The new trend for portable computing has people looking for smaller and smaller computers. A popular option is buying a best netbooks . Netbooks are smaller versions of a laptop. These usually have the same amount of computing power in just in a smaller package. For me, I like netbooks more. The smaller more portable case size of today’s netbooks makes them a better choice for those who are casual users. These include people who just check email, facebook, or other programs that usually are web based and use very little processor power. Another advantage of the netbook is that it fits easily into smaller backpacks and handbags. With some models under 10 inches across, they can even fit into some cargo pants pockets. Also at $200 it’s a cheap netbook and would take up little desk space in a dorm room.
It really all depends what you are planning to do with your your portable computer.
If all you plan to do is surf the web and and the like without any desire to do video editing or gaming. Or have the freedom to do other things with your device. Then a netbook may be a better option for you.
But, If you plan on anything requiring large amounts of hard drive space, video editing, gaming, processor and ram specific programs or the ease of truly having a powerful portable pc, then get a laptop.

I have no use for a netbook, as I can do everything a netbook can on my Smart phone or PSP.

Consider what you will use the portable device for and if it meets your needs and costs.

Its better to buy more than you need than less than you need as you may at some point need the extra configuration in a laptop that a netbook cannot meet.
GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!