trouble with video footage

Feb 19, 2016
hello I have have edited a video and noticed the black text and some clips of video have a slight pink tint to them, it isn't meant to be like this. I am using sony vegas pro 13 but I don't know if it's a problem with the software or the video. The problem only appears when I render the file, I have tried two file formats, "wmv" and "internet 720p mp4" but still the problem persists. It's ruining the whole video. Can anyone help?
Strange that would happen with MovieMaker as well. So the footage is without the pinkish tint to it prior to rendering but has a tint afterwards. Did you add the black text? if yes, have you tried renering without the text to see if still get the pinkish tint?

UPDATE: sorry mate but I've discovered something so I'm gunna have to ignore your request to try the vid without the text for a bit, anyway: When I open the vid (rendered normally no changes to fix the pink tint) in the default windows movies and TV app it has the pink tint. But, and this is the interesting bit, when I open it in VLC. the problem goes away. Any thoughts on this. Also I'll test upload this on Youtube to see what happens then.