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More info?)
"mark-rkrd" <> writes:
>The big updated article is here:

>PC/Mac emulation, emulated versions for PS2/Xbox, Intellivisions on
>eBay... that's for us. The plug-and-plays are aimed at people who don't
>remember Intellivision the first time around. Or, rather, at the
>parents, who'll buy it for their toddlers in a haze of nostalgia. And
>given that, the fact that the games aren't pixel-perfect isn't really
>an issue.
>Still, he and Eric at Techno Source do stress that they've taken on
>board the feedback about the Intellivision 10/25, and improved the
>games accordingly.
Well, I am looking forward to the new Inty Lives! CD, since the original
Mac emulator really chugs even on modern Macs (here's hoping it's finally
OS X native). It will be nice to see the new games.
I hope that they do take the criticisms to heart, though. I'm happy to see
that the Inty brand is commercially viable, but they're going to have to
maintain a high fidelity of the past (even given the lower market aims of
the first iteration of the Inty DTV) to continuously be successful.
Cameron Kaiser * * posting with a Commodore 128
personal page: http

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