Ugh, New TSA Rules (Good Luck Flying to the U.S.)

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Someone's gonna figure out how to light up farts. Than what? Everyone must wear corks or hold until they reach the airport? I see a future where a device can be formed out of pee and/or poop too.

Eventually we'll all be driving instead of flying.
I just wonder how they'll be able to calm down an 18 month baby without milk & toys & frequent walks in the aisle even during a 3:30 h flight.

We were in Egypt for a vacation & it would have been impossible for us to fly at all, with all the new security regulations.

I guess the terrorists achieved their goal: Terrorizing people in such an extent that the system isn't working anymore. They don't even need to blow up planes or people.

I really wonder how much since 9/11 2001 US lost on tourism income, as a result of rejected visas of legit people & people who better avoided hassle than go through, although they had a visa to enter.
gti88 12/28/2009 5:30 PM
Soon, USA guests will face a mandatory rectal examination before every flight.

TSA: wait... let me... a little deeper... oh there is something is here. Supervisor! Supervisor! I found something.

TSA Supervisor: Sir, what do you have up there?

Passenger: What, is it against the law to have Sh1t up my a$$?

TSA Supervisor: Yes, lock him up!
Another stupid overreaction. Apparently, the guy was known to have terrorist ties/sympathies. Why not screen those guys more thoroughly and let regular people who aren't on any watchlist lead an unmolested and FREE life. I know the "terrorists want to take our freedom from us", but the only one actually doing it is the government, by over-regulating everything they can get their hands on.
I don't understand how this is an American security problem. As far as I can see it was a Nigerian and Dutch security issue. Also what sense does it make to do these checks for everyone? Why not just profile those from countries more likely to attack the United States and search them first and foremost. Let other travelers go about their business. These policies will only hurt the United States economically because it restricts free travel and trade.
Al Qaeda is doing exactly what they've said aloud that they've wanted to do all along. It isn't just about killing Americans, it is about destroying the "capitalist" way of life. They know our government specializes in knee-jerk reactions, so they plan situations like this specifically for us to lock ourselves down. In effect, we cripple ourselves by making air travel completely unappetizing as a means of life...and if they happen to blow a few hundred of us up in the process they have icing for their pathetic cake.
[citation][nom]crom[/nom]I don't understand how this is an American security problem. As far as I can see it was a Nigerian and Dutch security issue. Also what sense does it make to do these checks for everyone? Why not just profile those from countries more likely to attack the United States and search them first and foremost. Let other travelers go about their business. These policies will only hurt the United States economically because it restricts free travel and trade.[/citation]

Profile? In the U.S.? We can't do that because certain members of our government cry about it being "unfair".
"during the final hour of flight customers must remain seated, will not be allowed to access carry-on baggage, or have personal belongings or other items on their laps."
How will this solve anything? If anything it will just piss people off. I mean, if I'm on a trans-continental flight (i.e. Europe/Asia to North America) attempting to blow up a plane, wouldn't it make sense to do it earlier in the flight rather than in the last hour? I can't figure out what this will solve.
[citation][nom]apmyhr[/nom]I don't think this is as bad as people initially think. They aren't banning people from peeing the entire flight, just the last hour until landing. And that will probably be chopped down to 45 or 30 minutes after this all settles down, which I think is reasonable.You make fun of this little "incident" but the fact is that hundreds of people almost died. Airline travel is still the safest way to travel because of all this "fear mongering" and the policies that come from it. So I will take my extra security Sir, even if it means you have to deal with a few extra pats on your crouch and you have to hold your bladder for one god damn hour.[/citation]
Nah, I'd rather do what I feel like doing and maybe go out early, but then again I'm against regulations of pretty much every sort. The knee jerk reaction is what gets me. People will always discover new ways to get around security if they so desire. Instead of responding to past incidents maybe look to the future? just a thought.
"Every time I fly and am forced to remove my shoes, I'm grateful Richard Reid is not known as the Underwear Bomber." - Douglas Manuel

I wonder what he would say today if asked about this guy?
If they won't allow electronics on board, then about 50% of the netbook sector will suffer for that, as many business people and geeks love these things for their long distance flights.

It all starts somewhere, only to be copied to train, bus and tram travel.

Pretty soon it will be illegal to own and transport anything larger than a cellphone if things continue like this!
[citation][nom]thedreadfather[/nom]"during the final hour of flight customers must remain seated, will not be allowed to access carry-on baggage, or have personal belongings or other items on their laps."How will this solve anything? If anything it will just piss people off. I mean, if I'm on a trans-continental flight (i.e. Europe/Asia to North America) attempting to blow up a plane, wouldn't it make sense to do it earlier in the flight rather than in the last hour? I can't figure out what this will solve.[/citation]
Probably a lot of damage, as in the last miles a plane descends and often flies over cities or highly populated areas.
But also, too many accidents can occur from passengers trying to get their luggage as the plane is maneuvering to get the right angle. Luggage can fall out of the bins on top of other people's heads.
What Al-Qaida wanted to achieve was, disrupt the communications between the cultures, and they managed to do that.

Now, Muslims are unwelcome in Christian countries and Christians are afraid to go to Muslim countries. From what I see, they did what they wanted to do.

They were a couple of thousand people at the most, and they bent the whole world to the way they wanted. That I call "influence" whether you like it or not. If the world politicians weren't so hind-sighted with their own agenda, they would have easily defeated these couple of thousand people. But they opted to rant on the fear that this little klan created and just fueled the history long prejudices & fears.

Neo-cons used it to get hold on oil & control over south western & central asia.
EU members, especially France & Germany used it to leverage more power on Russia.
GB used it to get influence over US.
Israel used it to justify all they were doing. (Hey, what is what, Israel *is* occupying a territory since 1967. - All else are just details.)
Saudi Arabia used it to gain more control over world petrol market and use the opportunity of likely (and as time showed, definite) increase in petrol prices to get more influence on world economy.
Iran used it to increase her sphere of influence in middle east.

This list can be extended to hundreds of pages. The net result doesn't change:
1. US is trapped in Iraq & Afganistan & bleeding $80M/hr there. (figure might have changed since last I checked)
2. Net result of wars is a total collapse of US & world capitalist economy, resulting net gain on only totalitarian regimes like China & Iran.
3. Fear pumped by the west to their communities is resulting in fear & hatred against Muslims. (Which are about 1.5 B population on the world)
4. Hatred pumped by the west to their communities as west is resulting in sustained support to Al-Qaida, although US led operations against them took down many of the head figures, they recruit faster.
5. We have to face "security measures" stricter & stricter everyday that we practically won't be able to go any distance farther than a driving distance.

Sorry, this is a Tech site, but my post's also on topic.
[citation][nom]ProDigit80[/nom]Probably a lot of damage, as in the last miles a plane descends and often flies over cities or highly populated areas.But also, too many accidents can occur from passengers trying to get their luggage as the plane is maneuvering to get the right angle. Luggage can fall out of the bins on top of other people's heads.[/citation]
t-1 hr before landing, the plane is still about 500 mi (700-800 km) away from the destination airport and still at cruising altitude of about 30000 ft. (10000 m) So, it doesn't make much difference at that timing. I think they are forbidding going to toilet at t-1 hr or less because of the fact that this jerk went to toilet & spent there some 20 mins inside. (I really wonder why didn't he blow himself in the toilet) anyway, as he'll be opening a hole in the fuselage, the effect would have been the same & in case of failure like he had in this case, he would have just get rid of the stuff unnoticed in the toilet, instead of tied down by the passengers. Strange, indeed)
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