Ugh, New TSA Rules (Good Luck Flying to the U.S.)

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Thank God or Allah whomeever you prefer. Obama has finally risen up to take care of us all. only now we will have to wear plastic pants on our flights because of all the urine and feces that will run on the floor because we cant go to the head. Its true the terrrorists have won, now weve lost every right when we fly except the right to be treated like animals by some politicals relation that was hired by the TSA. Just because Tsa cant do their job it doesnt mean we should lose all our civel liberties.And whos going to bail out the airlines when the go under due to a lack of business. Guess now we have a new amtrack. I reccomend buying stock in telesystem companys, face to face business meeting are going to lose ground to teleconferences, who wants to fly now?
are people willing to choose racial segregation for convenience? Since people complain being targeted by security because some hassan guy tries to blow up a flight, how about we have all white people board one plane with no security checks, then send all the dark skinned people on another plane with mild security checks, and all the folks with funny names (like jewish people) on a different plane with heavy invasive security checks, then there's no fuss amongst innocent people who complain about security in weeding out the crazy terrorists.
@roofman: I still prefer to *see* the wonders of the world with my own eyes, instead of an HD recording.

Although business trips are the most common, the teleconference doesn't let you *feel* how the other party is. Is it a well founded company or not. Anyway, business needs to travel and will travel. This will have the effect especially on touristic travel & educational travel, which makes the bulk of international travels, that especially affect here. (I wish there were transatlantic liners still sailing & my boss gave me enough vacation time to travel to US from continental Europe and back [and of course some time to spend & see US] one way travel is about 7 days.)
[citation][nom]Kingssman[/nom]are people willing to choose racial segregation for convenience? Since people complain being targeted by security because some hassan guy tries to blow up a flight, how about we have all white people board one plane with no security checks, then send all the dark skinned people on another plane with mild security checks, and all the folks with funny names (like jewish people) on a different plane with heavy invasive security checks, then there's no fuss amongst innocent people who complain about security in weeding out the crazy terrorists.[/citation]

Wow! That's a fantastic idea. Have you applied for a position in NSAD?

If Goebel or Adolf himself were alive, they'd immediately grant you a membership personally!
Seriously, why can't we just say "If you have Muhammad in your name, you need to show up 2 hours before your flight for a thorough screening. Everyone else, enjoy your flight". If you look like any of the terrorists from 9/'re getting screened. As simple as that. You don't see Buddhists, Christians, Hindu, Atheists, Agnostics, or any other religion having these sort of issues. It's one group of people ruining it for everyone because our government is ran by a bunch of pussies who don't want to point the finger. Sure, it sucks for every other Muslim and Middle Eastern person, but at least we're narrowing down who goes through this crap. Tell them to get control of their fellow people, and we wouldn't have this problem. No where in the Koran does it say "Blow up innocent people by sacrificing yourself and turning yourself into a human bomb". I know, I've checked.
I have an idea. Terrorists are dealers of fear, why don't we deal some fear back. Blow up planes heading into their countries? See how they feel about it. Extreme actions have the capacity to deal with extremists. "Oh wait" we are just victims of religous extremists actions don't hold a large group accountable." Bull Crap I say
These idiotic security precautions are all because of political correctness. The only people I know who try to blow up airplanes are Muslims. We all have to suffer these ridiculous rules so that we don't offend Muslims? If all of this security which drives airline passengers nuts is so good, why haven't I read of at least one case where all of these security checks prevented just one potential bomber from boarding an airplane? (
Utter brain death.

It started when we were silly enough to let George Bush create Homeland Security (George Orwell would be proud). One of the problems on 9/11 was that there were too many agencies and they didn't coordinate their intelligence. The solution: eliminate agencies. We don't need a CIA, DIA, FBI, ATF, NSA, etc, etc. each with the primary mission of maintaining their current funding and protecting their turf. But no, we couldn't cut agencies, instead we created a new umbrella agency with new turf to protect and a new budget.

Homeland Security is spectacularly ineffective but really good at moving the alert level around and annoying law abiding citizens. If they keep us jumpy, maybe we'll believe their doing something.
The author's just a tad idiotic when he's calling it "fear mongering. "

Hello, there was just a close tragedy this weekend averted only by a brave Dutch passenger. Fear mongering is scaring kids with the boogeyman. Islamic terrorism is a very real threat and while the possibility that any ONE of us is killed by it is very low, the possibility of SOMEONE killed by it is very high. Are we willing to accept having even one plane downed each year because we're too important to be bothered about being inspected?

And I totally agree with Regulas. Pat down the dudes with names like mohammed or hussein. Not little old ladies.
The author's just a tad idiotic when he's calling it "fear mongering. "

Hello, there was just a close tragedy this weekend averted only by a brave Dutch passenger. Fear mongering is scaring kids with the boogeyman. Islamic terrorism is a very real threat and while the possibility that any ONE of us is killed by it is very low, the possibility of SOMEONE killed by it is very high. Are we willing to accept having even one plane downed each year because we're too important to be bothered about being inspected?

And I totally agree with Regulas. Pat down the dudes with names like mohammed or hussein. Not little old ladies.
[citation][nom]angelofprogress[/nom]Seriously, why can't we just say "If you have Muhammad in your name, you need to show up 2 hours before your flight for a thorough screening. Everyone else, enjoy your flight". If you look like any of the terrorists from 9/'re getting screened. As simple as that. You don't see Buddhists, Christians, Hindu, Atheists, Agnostics, or any other religion having these sort of issues. It's one group of people ruining it for everyone because our government is ran by a bunch of pussies who don't want to point the finger. Sure, it sucks for every other Muslim and Middle Eastern person, but at least we're narrowing down who goes through this crap. Tell them to get control of their fellow people, and we wouldn't have this problem. No where in the Koran does it say "Blow up innocent people by sacrificing yourself and turning yourself into a human bomb". I know, I've checked.[/citation]
[citation][nom]JWL3[/nom]The author's just a tad idiotic when he's calling it "fear mongering. "Hello, there was just a close tragedy this weekend averted only by a brave Dutch passenger. Fear mongering is scaring kids with the boogeyman. Islamic terrorism is a very real threat and while the possibility that any ONE of us is killed by it is very low, the possibility of SOMEONE killed by it is very high. Are we willing to accept having even one plane downed each year because we're too important to be bothered about being inspected?And I totally agree with Regulas. Pat down the dudes with names like mohammed or hussein. Not little old ladies.[/citation]

This type of screening would take just one American Bomber from our population of around 250/300million to nullify such screening. With the number of school shootings that we have already had in the States, it seems they are doing all that they can to protect the US from large problems.

The question is, how would you feel if the Government had not acted on this failed terrorist attack? How would you feel if the US government sided with business capitalism instead of our safety? And it would take just a couple more bombs before everyone started asking the government to do something about it. We go to the middle east to get the guys, people are unhappy, we do nothing about it, people are unhappy. In the end, it's whoever has the largest voice wins.
Working myself in the airline buisness, I can easely tell you why security will always be on the rise for air travel. Not only for security check but for all aircraft equipment. The problem with air travel is that when something bad happen, there is always finger pointing the way up the chain of regulation. For a crash, the family blame the airline for not operating the aircraft properly, the airline will blame the manufacturer for not providing proper equipment or guide line, the manufacturer will blame the authoritys for not mandating the requirement in the regulation.

If the regulating organisation whatever it is don't implement new regulation, than they are not adressing the issue properly from the population point of view because an aircraft incident is so rare that when something happen, it is all over the news and for everyone, it becomes a tragedy. So be the FAA, the TSA or any regulation authority that look over aircraft/passenger safety/security, the population pressure will always be to improve safety/security measure. If that guy had succeded, some head would have rolled. Now that he failed there is just a couple more pissed off people due to new regulation.
[citation][nom]angelofprogress[/nom]Seriously, why can't we just say "If you have Muhammad in your name, you need to show up 2 hours before your flight for a thorough screening. Everyone else, enjoy your flight". If you look like any of the terrorists from 9/'re getting screened. As simple as that. You don't see Buddhists, Christians, Hindu, Atheists, Agnostics, or any other religion having these sort of issues. [/citation]

Question is, can you tell the difference between a black, hispanic, indian, and muslim? You could go off of names like Hassan, Ngyen, and muhammad, but anyone can fake a name and lie about a religion. How about segregating the people who are dark skinned and speak a funny language? To suggest security take special precautions to people who look muslim or have a foreign sounding name, might as well have planes with "white english speaking people only" and everyone else board a different plane.
[citation][nom]Computer_Lots[/nom]Wonder if I can bring an empty bottle to "fill" during that last hour.[/citation]

They'll make you drink it.
[citation][nom]ProDigit80[/nom]If they won't allow electronics on board, then about 50% of the netbook sector will suffer for that, as many business people and geeks love these things for their long distance flights.It all starts somewhere, only to be copied to train, bus and tram travel.Pretty soon it will be illegal to own and transport anything larger than a cellphone if things continue like this![/citation]
I'm in Canada, and we already have security checking all carryon, using a handheld metal detector and doing patdowns on everyone... and this is for taking a bus![citation][nom]mr_tuel[/nom]fly to canada, take a train to us, THEN fly wherever.[/citation]
Sorry buddy, whenever you fly from Canada to US, you still have to pass through American customs (which hates all Canadians it seems... bastards).

Security is ridiculous. If I can't afford to fly in comfort, then I just won't.

Do you know how dangerous a lithium battery is? Do you know how easy it is to overvolt the battery in your laptop? Guess what, we don't do it, so leave us alone already.
Why not travel legitimately to the US, fill your truck full of homemade explosives made in the US (nitro is easy to produce, and then you just add stabalizers, and tada, TNT), and ram the damned truck into the whitehouse (war of 1812 anyone? The last time we got our point across).
Good thing they're increasing security in Canada too, because if they keep pissing Canadians off, they'll need it.
American fear mongering leads to hell in Canada. Wish our government had the balls to say F--- OFF! already...

I was thinking about taking a vacation in Florida, but Mexico and Cuba just seem so much easier now. That's atleast one tourist they've lost over this.
hahaha who shows respect for Canada? btw 1812 is only 200 years ago... Yeah we can't do anything as long as the government has tampons shoved up their asses. ugh... i miss the days when a man could do what he wanted in the land of the FREE... where is freedom now?
Communities ready to give up a little bit of freedom to gain a little bit of security desevers neither and will lose both.
-- Benjamin Franklin

I think "The Founding Fathers" has a couple of words against these.
The TSA makes yet another foray into the realm of nazi-like behavior and people continue to bow their heads in acceptance.Pretty soon we're going to have to take flights in drug induced comas inside cast-iron "coffins". Exaggeration? Maybe. By much? No.

One plane out of how many that flew on that day (let alone that week, month, year, etc.) had an incident with some idiot that couldn't even successfully detonate the explosives in his pants before the passengers and crew took him out, and now we're all subject to further idiotic bullshit in the name of "security".
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