Question Unable to exit BIOS Utility screen

May 29, 2019
I have an Asus. Ok, so I can’t get out of this screen, almost all the solutions say to disable secure boot control; I’ve done that and “launch csm” doesn’t appear, I then tried to disable fast boot and “launch csm” still doesn’t appear. There are no boot options at all, please help.
May 29, 2019
I’ve tried to just force restart it and it brings me back to BIOS Utility. I’ve changed things then set it back to optimized defaults then restarted and still keep getting this.
Please do not post just to 'bump' your thread. Doing so can get you removed from the forums. Not what you were looking for I would guess. Just be patient. We are actual people and it can take a while for someone to get to your issue.

Additionally, if you can't get out of BIOS and are stuck in there (per original post) then you will need a DVD/USB with the installation software to resolve this. And, to be honest, that may not fix your issue. From what you have said, the software may not be the cause. It could well be the drive is going bad.

I would look at that first. If you don't feel comfortable doing so on your own, then I would take it to a local tech.