Upgrade 2016 1st Gen Thinpad Yoga x1 Main Board


Dec 15, 2016
I Just bought a Yoga x1 locally for $300. It has decent specs with a 6300, 8gb RAM. I run virtual machines So I wanted to upgrade the Ram. Not Possible, it is soldered. So I just looked for a new main board. I found a few on eBay. Most were 600-700 if they came with a decent CPU and 16gbs of RAM. However, I found a main board for an x1 carbon with a 6600 and 16gbs of Ram for 400. It looks identical in every way to my x1 Yoga mainboard. So I bought it today. I guess I will find out how bad of a mistake I made when I get it, but can anyone tell me ahead of time if I will come into any issues??
I know the power button is moved and there are volume buttons on the Yoga, but other than that, if the cable reaches I thought it might just work.

Here are some links to the two main boards:

They are not the same specs as mine but thats not the point. it is compatibility

Here is the mainenance manual for both laptops https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles_pdf/x1carbon_mt20fb-20fc_x1yoga_hmm_en_sp40j72016.pdf


Dec 15, 2016
I received the mainboard today and installed it! it works great!. I had a little bit of trouble with the fingerprint sensor on the software side of things just because I had to clear the fingerprint from the old motherboard. everything works great. Windows even thinks it is a yoga motherboard.
So I solved my question on my own. the x1 Carbon 4th Gen is the same mainboard as the x1 yoga 1stgen motherboard!! WOO hOO I just upgraded my RAM and my CPU!! right now it is a 6600u with 16gb of RAM. Total I paid $700 for the entire computer, and now I have a mainboard to sell on eBay. $$


Dec 15, 2016
So After my replacement, I am now having an issue with the Wacom Pen that comes with the laptop. I am not sure if it is related to the swap or not. The pen will not charge when it the slot. I have a couple of these laptops so I have switched out pens. The pen from the other laptop works just fine when it has been charged off the other laptop and my current pen can be charged in the other laptop and then used with the problematic laptop.

The issue is definitely not the pen. So I changed out the charger inside the laptop with the known good one and the same problem is happening. The other computer still charges the pens, but not the one that has had the MB changed.

My hypothesis now is maybe the bios for the x1 carbon mainboard is not allowing power to go to the charger since the carbon would not have it. So my question is :
How can I change the model number inside my bios of my laptop or flash the carbon mainboard with a yoga bios?

pcsupport.lenovo.com only gives me an update utility that allows me to update the bios or change the last 6 digits of the model number. The Yoga is a 2FR and the Carbo is a 2FB.
I can't download just the bios to flash for the x1 yoga!