US Ignores China, N. Korea Cyber Threats, Top Spy Says

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"Clapper said, because budget cuts and the leaks by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden have undermined intelligence-gathering capabilities. As a result, the amount of viable information the intelligence community can give to government decision-makers has been cut back in recent years."

Another way for fear mongering for the citizens of the United States. The government really does think the average American Citizen is stupid.

P.S. Clapper we were never as safe and as secure as we used to be. Just the form of attacks is different. I wonder how the government use to gather intel and send out messages? HMM!!!!

The article has some good points but I can not shack the fact that it is a article made to scary the reader.
"Clapper said, because budget cuts and the leaks by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden have undermined intelligence-gathering capabilities. As a result, the amount of viable information the intelligence community can give to government decision-makers has been cut back in recent years."

Another way for fear mongering for the citizens of the United States. The government really does think the average American Citizen is stupid.

P.S. Clapper we were never as safe and as secure as we used to be. Just the form of attacks is different. I wonder how the government use to gather intel and send out messages? HMM!!!!

The article has some good points but I can not shack the fact that it is a article made to scary the reader.

they dont think, they know... at least the ones that vote are that stupid.
I'm sorry.. wah wah wah.. we lost all our backdoors and it's all Snowden's fault? Here I'm hearing "segment the data — a single breach shouldn't give attackers access to an entire network infrastructure and a mother lode of proprietary data." Meanwhile the US Government has a disclosure from a single contractor. And they're crying 9/11. Yes, you lost your ez win. It's time to get serious about security. 15-20 years ago you could download a copy of Sub-7 Backdoor trojan and install it on a system and it was a done deal.. Then Anti virus became mainstream; aswell as windows patches etc. 'Trojans' are no longer a huge threat because how the social climate changed and adapted. Atleast North Korea and China are honest about spying on their population, where as North American (american specifically here) are giving the illusion of human rights and freedoms. Freedom and rights to privacy with exception, aren't. Freedom comes at a cost as any veteran or enlisted person (or family) will tell you. Privacy comes at a cost too. Complaining that the american intelligence and security has lost the competitive edge they used to, is like complaining the american's as a whole have lost their edge manufacturing (with the exception of micro processor production). I can see this going some what of the same way. Foreign governments don't operate by a congruent rule base, and you can't sue someone in N. Korea for intellectual property theft. The basis on which we conduct private transactions within the nation need to change and reflect that as a whole. Or this nations intellectual security will go the way of the vinyl record store.

Adapt and conform; evolve or we will get left in the dust. Ideals left behind; holding onto the morale high ground in such things will only further the ignorance and entitlement.

The only real question I can see is what to do about such offences.
Nothing is an answer on it's own.
And not a good one.

My thoughts;
Not yours.
"Wah wah wah! We don't wanna get warrants! Boo hoo! We don't want any oversight!"

Puh-lease. This guy isn't worried about our gather intelligence. He's more interested in perpetuating the lack of accountability and level of immunity that's been afforded to the US intelligence organizations.
Clapper is a part of the problem. This "everyone is our enemy, until proven friendly" is crazy. Stop spying your own citizens. Full stop! No buts ands or ifs. Just stop it!

If you have to spy, because it's your thing, do it in your own time, and not on our dime. Lastly, and most assuredly not the least- stop torture and "enhanced interrogation".

Treat others you'd want them to treat you, also known as the golden rule. Most people believe it, you probably do to. Why not try it?
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