Using a Proxy with Bitlord, what Proxy and how?


Dec 19, 2008
Hi, i am very new to using proxys and i would like help choosing a Proxy i can configure with bitlord.
At the moment i am using ProxyWay but bitlord is unable to connect to it when downloading.

I need precise answers that actually relate to bitlord downloading! not just website proxys!

I Changed my proxy settings in bitlord to (proxy type - HTTP1.1, Proxy server to Localhost and proxy port to 3456). This sped bitlord up a bit, at least in starting a new download/connection, but I have found that web browsing is all but impossible afterwards due to an extreme slow down. When I turn off the proxy (back to No proxy and restart bitlord, it is slower but back to normal and my web browsing is back to full speed.

Is there a reason for this?

I have changed the proxy back and forth and it is clearly the problem.

I am no expert either but I found if you change it to proxy type - HTTP1.1
Proxy server - Localhost
proxy port - 3456

It does make things quicker but it does seem to slow down web browsing.

I found these settings on YouTube under (bitlord 1.1 preferences).

In my opinion the proxies are better left alone unless your an expert.

Most people's speed problems with bitlord are mainly due to not having enough seeds (people uploading to you) which can't be changed by you or downloading too much at at time.