I think ISP's are just not investing their money wisely!
With their subscribers money they still make profit!
They need to invest that profit in upgrading their network running nearly a 'non profit' organisation for several years, instead of getting away with ridiculous bonusses for the highest executives!
Truth being said, once a network is installed, the cost to keep it going is only 10% of what the customers pay for it!
That would be 10% that goes to maintenance, and new servers.
15% goes to taxes. And the remaining 75% is pure profit for the company to invest in what they think is needed, like personnel, and their own pay.
Perhaps they just invested in too much personnel,and also perhaps they invested too much in their own salary!
Even with higher demands of internet connections, the 10% spent on servers continuously gives you faster servers. And a wise company would not invest in a $100.000 server that's only 15% faster than a 30.000 server!
Heck, a lot of servers work perfectly fine with Corei7 computers instead of xeons. The cost is between a third and half of the cost of network servers.
They could improve the internet big time, by investing in fiberoptics in the cities and dense populated areas.