Verizon Launching a New Mobile Video Service Too?

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Meaningful article. Thanks!
What percent of the bandwidth for this page is the text content I wanted to read and what percent is advertising? If I have a verizon data plan what percent of my measly 2 GB per month might be consumed by advertising? Somebody should study that and report the results. What if advertising is most of the bandwidth data plan customers are paying for. For unlimited customers it doesn't matter. Is there ad blocker software for smart phones to save bandwidth? Perhaps Verizon should do the ad blocking to better manage it's wireless capacity.

I accept imbedded advertising for the sake of free content, so long as it doesn't slow page boots too much and/or cost me money. Nobody should have to pay for unsolicited advertising.
I think there will eventually be a consumer rebellion against the current capped data plans. Call it bandwidth burnout.

2000 MB / 30 days = 65 mb per day. How many minutes of youtube videos does it take to use that up? And how much of that is ads? Okay, no youtube on the go. Even with good filtering most of my emails are spam so I'm paying Verison yet again to receive unsolicited advertising. The bandwidth for this Toms page is 95% advertising. The article text above is a few kb.

I"ve always felt mobile data makes a lot of sense for business uses but is nothing but a bad habit for consumers until the bandwidth is less expensive and/or metered in a more enlightened way.

For instance 24GB per year would be a lot more valuable to me than 2GB per month. What you ask is wrong with that? A yearly usage would make it much harder for Verizon to pick the consumer's pocket.
My phone (Storm1) has ALWAYS said "1XEV". VZ says this is "3G", but I'm skeptical.

I have an older "ulimitted data" account (most likely throttled, but I don't know how to verify it....)
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