CAUTION , RANT: This is too much money per gigabyte. Data consumption will only increase over time. This is just rape. First, it was all about general access to the internet. Now, it's about how much Data you have access to? I wish people could realize that this Data does not belong to Verizon.. so,how can they charge by Data usage? If it starts to get to this point, then how much of that Data is actual data that you use, such as actual payload Data? How much of this Data traffic is Internet Protocol Data or other proprietary tunneling, Multiplexing, and code modulation data for routing on their network. I'm sure this will go to court, as we should not be paying for those packets of Data.
It's ridiculous how these corporations are attempting to get away with highway robbery... In this case Cloud robbery ( Geek reference to the internet is the Cloud). WTF is going on here? DO these companies have a soul? Don't they realize by doing this, they are only limiting the internet even more. This means raw data is being commoditized as a resource. I'm sorry, but Information should be and forever remain free. Much of the economic growth from the 90's was mostly in part, due to the growth of the internet. New and innovative services are offer over the internet. This will impact innovation and businesses that rely on the internet to make money. This will slow economic growth, and prevent the regular Joe from starting a business over the interent. It will be too expensive. Which leads to another point. With these changes, will all business be forced to pay per gigabyte to serve customers Data? This will simply raise the prices of everything transacted over the internet. It's paying toll on a freeway, but you pay more if you're hauling some heavy crap. Imagine if Truckers had to pay toll based on the weight of their payload. prices of everything will increase. The same thing will happen to all Data traffic across the internet.
Something needs to happen.