VIDEO: Ballistic Missile Destroyed by Laser

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The comments here seem quite inane and really to miss the political point of a missile defense system - it puts the US in a huge position of power. With a sufficiently strong system (which I seriously doubt is feasible), the US could launch attacks on any country without fear of retribution. Most countries will see that as unfair, and feel threatened (as many already do by the US, without a working missile defense system). I could see this working to increase hostile feelings toward the US, which is what really increases the danger to the country and its people.

As for the laser - this was probably a non-reflectively coated missile, and it was clearly at close range. I realize that even the best mirrors have imperfections, are only reflective in certain frequency ranges, and have finite transmission/absorption, but a mirror coating could reduce energy absorption sufficiently to let the chemical lasers burn themselves out before the missile heats up enough to cause failure. Also, how likely is it that we will have this modified 747 in the air at the right location when it matters? This is an interesting proof of concept, though - I have long been a doubter.

As for nuclear power, I am liberal (and not a complete idiot), and am all for it. I think it is safe and clean, and a very good idea. However, it is not sufficient to meet all of our power needs, and research into alternative power sources seems like a great investment in the energy safety of our future, as well as a great economic investment - the US could be the dominant source for future power solutions and technologies, if wise investments are made now.
[citation][nom]zipz0p[/nom]The comments here seem quite inane and really to miss the political point of a missile defense system - it puts the US in a huge position of power. With a sufficiently strong system (which I seriously doubt is feasible), the US could launch attacks on any country without fear of retribution. Most countries will see that as unfair, and feel threatened (as many already do by the US, without a working missile defense system). I could see this working to increase hostile feelings toward the US, which is what really increases the danger to the country and its people.As for the .[/citation]

Don't worry Reagan made USSR to eat stones with his Star Wars and now North Korea will make US eat stones too....

this is completely retarded.

anyone who wanted to nuke america could easily just sneak a couple in over the border. no missiles necessary. lord knows enough drugs come into this country every day.

in reality there is absolutely NO WAY to really defend against an attack. ANY defense system will always have some vulnerability or way to go around it.

instead maybe we should focus on creating goodwill with other nations so maybe they wouldnt want to kill us as much.
[citation][nom]nottheking[/nom]Still, a strong, functional anti-missile defense is important, as if the USA manages to build a combined system that can render nuclear missiles useless, then no countries will bother trying to make them anymore; America will have succeeded in making nukes obsolete, hence eliminating the shadow of potential nuclear war...So really, is perhaps a try for world peace (or at least, a world free of nuclear weapons) not as important as hare-brained schemes to produce "green" energy that actually wind up yielding more pollution than more conventional means?[/citation]

you do understand that the US is the country with the most (with a trailing second) nuclear weapons right? Building weapons saying that it will deprecate other weapons is not an argument for peace
[citation][nom]fpsdominator[/nom]We wouldn't have to worry about renewable energy if you tree hugging liberals let the U.S use Nuclear Power Plants. Its free Energy!!! Why not use it???[/citation]It's free huh? first batch of depleted radioactive to your house then? that cool?
It is very important that such an antimissile weapon exists and used against attacks from terrorists. We are leaving in an insecure world where terrorist strikes are more than plausible.

USA and Israel are bombarding houses , schools and hospitals every day..
Those people might stand a chance after all...

Oups Is that a US defense system? HM... Someone wants all the toys for himself!?!?!?!? Both the missiles and the antimissile system..

As if US is a bully kid in the kindergarten who takes all the toys from the other kids beacause his papa owns the place. Even more the kids is a sadist.. he uses the toys in peculiar ways...
The reflective covering might work...

But a 2nd skin allowing a cooling airflow beneath it certainly would.

Like landrovers in Africa have a 2nd skin roof to help keep the heat from the sun off - simple, cheap and works great 😉
[citation][nom]Drakefyre[/nom]It's useful because Iran could and probably is developing nuclear weapons. With lasers you can actually destroy attacking missiles before they strike. I am sure nobody wants nukes hitting their country.[/citation]

What we really need is to spend government funding to find Dr Manhattan... Anyway I think this is very cool that it actually works and should be developed.
[citation][nom]fpsdominator[/nom]We wouldn't have to worry about renewable energy if you tree hugging liberals let the U.S use Nuclear Power Plants. Its free Energy!!! Why not use it???[/citation]
Amen! I'm from vermont and pretty liberal compared to many, but I fail to see the faults in using nuclear energy. %99.99 of peoples reasons for hating it are based on ignorance and lack of education. If they took to time to learn the process and and the numerous safety measures put in place (VT yankee has 9 discreet systems that would ALL have to fail for any amount of radiation to be released)they would realize how great an alternative it is to coal, natural gas, wood chips, wind and solar.
[citation][nom]Pailin[/nom]Little light reading for anyone interested...CHERNOBYLTHE BIGGESTBLUFFof theXXthCENTURY[/citation]

LOL. I laughed when I saw Chernobyl and light reading in the same sentence. Good One!
If you can get a network of these babies up and running on a NATO scale, its time to make our move on China. If there is no possible retaliation its time to go for the kill.
...ignoring the idea of "look,we are living the StarWars"...which ,by the way,as a joke is pretty exciting...this will never stop.Bigger ,better,faster weapons.No matter how "evolved" humans are , and how far they go in space...they will always create ...weapons.And if they will not have an enemy...they will find one.
So what...they will use this as a ..."shield"?Don't worry...if there's an enemy...he's doing better ..."swords" :)) species , we are doomed.
I love the "Pandora blues" I wish I wasn't a human because all they do is destroy D: oozing from half of these posts. I'll throw a fresh jug of antifreeze down a storm drain for you.
[citation][nom]TommySch[/nom]If you can get a network of these babies up and running on a NATO scale, its time to make our move on China. If there is no possible retaliation its time to go for the kill.[/citation]

do you have any idea wtf you're talking about?

Anyway, as far as nuclear energy goes, I'm pretty sure theres still a problem with what to do with spent nuclear fuel. Uranium doesnt just burn away into dust with no trace behind. Unless we start blasting radioactive waste into space, and praying it doesnt come back down or blow up in transit, theres nowhere to put the stuff other than underground in a manmade container, just waiting to bust a leak in 100 years and cause an environmental catastrophe when it does.
The advantage of the Boeing system is in its conversion rate and limited scope.

Obviously any real military use would involve several missions flying to protect a given theatre (given limited time to intercept), and given this plane is basically a sitting duck to any SAM, each mission would involve a number of additional air superiority and support units. This makes it possible to recover perhaps a million dollars in profits or more from each flight. As such this is an effective way to take money out of our current and future (budget deficit) taxes and deliver the return on campaign contributions and other related investments in the politicians involved.

The scope is limited because adding reflective and heat shield layers, continuing to shorten the boost phase, and introducing heat sensors driving high-G evasive action (including just spin to even out and slow the heating) could all be effective enough that would render this particular way of addressing the threat ineffective. Then it could be argued that something entirely fresh needs to be developed.

Democrats? Republicans? The dollars they take are just as green, to repay which they simply take turns treating us like cattle.
[citation][nom]jinxyjoo[/nom]Tell me why this is useful? Why are we spending so much money on defense when it isn't necessary and instead focus on things like green/reusable energy, things that will actually become important once the oil crash hits.[/citation]Why did everyone give him a thumbs down?? Is everyone here ignorant? He is 100% correct! Yea, let's build a LASER defense system! Bwahahahhahaa!! They'll make sure they suitcase in nuclear bombs.
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