I don't have vr and I don't plan on getting it any time soon. But I couldn't help notice that my pc was under min specs. It anoying me a lot that my pc technicly cant handle vr. I have a gtx 970, an fx 6300 and 8 gigs of ddr3 ram. It's really annoying that y fx 6300 isn't vr ready, i dont want vr I just don't like how the 6350 and some 4 cores and possiblely there crappie apus might be supported and the fx 6300 is left in the dust. Will vr not work on a 6300? In nvidia is sys im not vr ready, but if I "upgraded" to one of there crappy peice of garbage apus I would be ready. Will vr run under min cpu specs? Does it only need a gpu within specs or will my fx 6300 not support vr because my fx 6300 that's soooooo much weaker than a 6350 and a freaking peice of garbage apu and a 4 core Athlon that's like 7 years old.