Wait or buy?


Nov 28, 2017
It's late 2017, almost 2018 and a week ago I tried Oculus Rift for the first time.
I really want to buy myself one but I have seen HTC Vive on internet and it sad it's a bit better for room scale are there any more big differences between HTC Vive and Oculus Rift?
I don't have a lot of room. Will oculus do me fine for sitting, standing gaming?
I am scared to buy any of VR headseats beacause in 2018 will there be better headseats?
Thank you for help 😀, also sorry if I made English mistakes not my native language.
also. my pc is ready :)
The Rift has better controllers and comes with a better head strap (Vive has a similar one as a $100 upgrade). It also runs better on weaker PCs due to the ASW feature.

Either headset would work well in a small area, you just might not be able to play some of the games that need a bigger area.

There are better VR headsets coming eventually, but they might cost more. And I think new games will still keep coming out with support for the current headsets for a long time; the game developers need as many potential customers as they can get.

There's always something around the corner. Whether it's a better line of CPUs, GFX card, monitor or VR headsets the next big thing is about to be released or is in development. I've loved gaming ever since Pong and before that. I've watched the graphics grow from boxy 1D objects up to what we have today. I even remember the Virtual Boy and I may have owned one too. I have been doing my own research and have settled on the Vive which will have 16GB of RAM, a 4690K(possibly OC'd) and a 1080 behind it. My decision was made over the course of months. For your needs the Rift does fit.

I think that the Vive's headset has more adjustments that can be made. You are stuck with what the Rift offers. Do we all have the same width between our eyes? Do some of us wear glasses? The IPD and the distance of the lenses from the headset to the user's eyes can also be adjusted.

The field of view seems to be slightly better on the Vive's side even though a 110-degree FOV is touted by both. There are also simple mods that can be performed on the Vive to widen the horizontal and vertical FOVs. What if I want a quick glimpse of the real? world. The Vive has a camera view accessible from within the Vive. The Oculus lacks that. For another $80 you can buy one. Augmented reality will grow from where it's at.

I do recommend any kind of protection you can buy for your controller. A simple silicone wrap is enough for some. The Vive has what amounts to a cage for their wand heads?, in addition to a wrap for the "handle" which doesn't interfere with the tracking. There are covers for the headset, both reusable and disposable that should also be used. Can a headset be destroyed with sweat? Yes it can be. Just to be clear, these accessories are sold separately.

I do recommend the Vive but the Rift will work for you.

Be aware of the sun m'kay? Should your play area ever be in direct sunlight make sure the lenses NEVER face it. Remember the magnifying glass and the poor defenseless ants on the anthill? The lenses in the headset replicate that scenario but the victim is thee headset's internals. In short, don't allow direct sunlight into the Vive or the Rift.

The IPD can be adjusted on the Rift as well.

Thanks, a little better fov on vive is interesting, I guess for me It would be 1 of "more important" factors when buying a vr headset but again I guess rift would be good enough for me...


It's a tradeoff. The Vive and Rift have the same amount of pixels, and the Vive spreads them over a slightly wider FOV. That also means its angular resolution drops a bit, so the Rift looks a little sharper.

Then there is the supersampling to consider. While it's a cheat and not "real" you can, depending on your GFX card change that from default up to 2.5 which can improve the experience.
I got the vive and am in love with it. Just make sure you have a 7' by 7' play area. The play area they call for is very limited and doesn't cover you reaching outside of that play area for in game objects. I don't know how many times i already went to reach for an object in game and ram the control into the wall.
If you don't mind the annoyingly small FOV, you might as well get one. You'll probably have better tracking for both sitting and standing with a Vive since it basically has 360 tracking. The next generation of headsets are coming around mid-2019. There are the new mixed reality headsets that you should check out if you want to get one right away. If you don't like those, then I'd say get a Vive as there's more compatibility and better tracking which means a better experience.

Fortunately there are aftermarket pads than can increase the Rift's FOV. However from what I've seen the Vive, for which replacement pads are also available, it's my VR headset choice.

The Rift has 360 tracking too.
I personally love my Vive. It's fun to play and I like using steam for my games since they are all in one place. Now, the Rift has some awesome deals and is more cost efficient... I think both headsets are excellent and you'll like whichever you choose...

Also, something neat is that you can pretty much play rift games on the Vive and vice versa. While it's not 100%, they are pretty interchangeable...

You get what you pay for. I recently tried out the phone call feature with my Vive and love it. Being able to answer phone calls with your headset is a huge plus. The Vive controllers are also ready for 'stock' addons for firt person shooters. You can get cheap stocks from a couple of dollars clear up to a full blown rifle that cost more than the Vive does.