Want a "Real" Start Menu in Windows 8?


Jan 26, 2013
I've decided I want my old desktop experience back. no more of this start screen.
So After looking around for awhile I found a amazingly great Start Menu. (Better then StarDocks Start8 😛 )

It is called StartIsBack, Its amazingly brings back the start menu from windows 7 by using some old start menu code that was left in windows 8 from windows 7.
But it comes at a price of $3... But you it gives you 2 licenses for two computers and for a lifetime!.

And one of the best features of it is the ability to boot right to the desktop without even having to see the start screen.
Which brings the feeling back of Windows 7, to some extent...

And unlike Start8 (Stardocks program) that runs services in the background that will lag the computer down quite a bit.

StartIsBack does not even run anything to give you the start menu back.

So if anyone wants to check this piece of software out you can find it here:


And here is a screenshot (Taken from the page) of it in action:


Maybe If some people didn't want to go to windows 8 because the lack of the Start Menu should give it a try with this. :)
So anyone ever here about this before?
No point in paying when there are plenty of free solutions. I would advise everybody to try out the free programs first (you've got nothing to lose!) before looking at something like this.
Honestly classic start menu 3.6.5 is better, but the idea of win7 start menu being back....
I bought it I do not like change much I liked when XP hated vista... Then 7 came out liked it a bit more so dual booted them... Now 8....its like being shot in the face I grew up with win 95 98 2000 and XP in my teen years vista and 7 came out and now win8 win8 is really only practical for touch screen devices...everyday user mouse/keyboard not so much....They removed a lot of areo in 8 too which is what win7 had a lot of bloat in and also added stuff to make usb transfer faster said they will update? win7 after 8 came out but idk if they ever did...win8 networking also had some improvements like the *** IE browser actually got improved. And one or two other things but really didn't change the performance....

Yes please try out the other programs poeple, Some people may like the free ones.
Even I'll recommend trying the others.

I've already tried the others and I just couldn't like them...
Out of of all of the free ones Classic Shell was the best but I didn't want to go back to the pop up dialog for all programs.

I mean it does whats its supposed do, But I didn't want to go back that far in time. 😛
I've tired literally every start menu replacement available, and my favorite (free) one was Pokki. They bring back the classic start menu functionality, along with a lot more awesome features including a desktop app store with hundreds of free apps!

Check them out at http://pokki.com.

My favorite features:
+ Boot to desktop
+ Replace the Windows key with the start menu
+ Searching (and pinning) websites to the start menu

My favorite apps:
Instagrille - an awesome Instagram app for your PC - https://www.pokki.com/app/Instagrille
Twitter - https://www.pokki.com/app/Twitter
Angry Birds - https://www.pokki.com/app/Angry-Birds
ESPN Sports Center - https://www.pokki.com/app/ESPN-SportsCenter-Feed