My Note 3 fell in the lake and could not be revived, I was wondering if I just replaced the motherboard with a new one if this might bring it back to life? It was a locked Verizon phone that was no longer under any plan and had no service as i had switched all that to my I-Phone a few months earlier.
I saw some motherboards on ebay and thought I could purchase one to put in my phone in hopes of getting it to work again.
Any suggestions are welcomed.
More info: I made the mistake of plugging the phone into the wall charger before it had dried and it won't power up even with a new battery replacement. I let it sit in rice for two days and then took it apart and soaked the motherboard in 91% isopropyl alcohol for a couple of hours, then scrubbed all the contacts with a toothbrush and q-tips and put it back together, still dead.
I saw some motherboards on ebay and thought I could purchase one to put in my phone in hopes of getting it to work again.
Any suggestions are welcomed.
More info: I made the mistake of plugging the phone into the wall charger before it had dried and it won't power up even with a new battery replacement. I let it sit in rice for two days and then took it apart and soaked the motherboard in 91% isopropyl alcohol for a couple of hours, then scrubbed all the contacts with a toothbrush and q-tips and put it back together, still dead.