Water spill on laptop ( chuwi lapbook 14.1


Jan 15, 2018
Hi Guys! Thanks in advance for your time
So yesterday I accidentally spilled half a cup of water into my lapbooks keyboard. I immediately disconnected every thing and dried up the keyboard and the screen (a few splashes there).
I then looked up what to do while still being my display and my working touchpad and keyboard.
I the flipped my laptop over to let it dry out and moped up the spillage that came from the keyboard.
I turned my PC off too.
I detached a key to see if I could access the key board insides from there knowing that this was a non detachable one.
Nothing could be done from there.
I then let it sit there for about an hour before turning it back on only to see that the keyboard wasn't working anymore apart from the power key (has to be separated from the offer keys.).
I turned it back oof and on while pressing shift to go into bios mode.
That seems to have been mistake because I'm now blocked at a black screen with a none moving cursor and not one key action working apart from the caps lock.
Seeing no other solution I decided to open up my laptop with the adequate tools and to see if I could dry it alittle more or clean the eventual moisture.
I came as far as the mother board only to see that the keyboard grid is sealed within the case of the laptop using a heat gun, and that it could only be removed with it.
I also noticed that I had to dry some water on the backside of the battery , the one facing towards the keyboard. I don't if I put it back there afterwards or if it slipped through.
So I really don't know what to do, even more because when the battery is removed and I plug it in the laptop is doing a strange noise, not very loud but reassuring though.

"I dont think..." doesn't mean that it isn't.

In that laptop, there aren't a lot of "parts".
Motherboard, and maybe RAM, and battery.

Something shorted out. Either spend money and start replacing the things you can (RAM), or replace it.
Even with the RAM...it may be the connection on the motherboard, instead of the actual RAM stick.
First thing, you should not have turned on the system without fully drying it, looks like you did. Procedure for a spill is to take it apart as far as you can, dry it out for a day or two, then try turning it on. From the sounds of things there was still lots of liquid in it.

Aside from that, if it' is now dried and not turning on, you need to replace parts and see what happens. Start with the motherboard, then keyboard.


Jan 15, 2018
Yes I didn't know that at the time.
The problem is that there are no spare parts for this laptop.
And another point is that I'm not sure that the motherboard really is damaged because there will is something displayed.

You can try different RAM, different hard drive if you want. Not a lot you can do really, if it's fully dry now, need to start replacing parts, it will not start working on it's own till you find the part with the issue. May be easier to just get a replacement.


Jan 15, 2018

Thanks. However as I said there still the brands logo on boot and black screen + cursor (non-moving).
Do you have any idea what that means? I dont think that my motherboard is damaged actually..



"I dont think..." doesn't mean that it isn't.

In that laptop, there aren't a lot of "parts".
Motherboard, and maybe RAM, and battery.

Something shorted out. Either spend money and start replacing the things you can (RAM), or replace it.
Even with the RAM...it may be the connection on the motherboard, instead of the actual RAM stick.