What about AVG as an anti virus?


Mar 24, 2001
I am using an anti virus program called AVG and I find it fine. It can be found at www. grisoft.com. No one mentioned it in the previous thread. Is it even worth talking about? What?

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Pata on 08/24/03 04:44 PM.</EM></FONT></P>

AVG is the MAc-daddy, as far as Im concerned. the <i>BEST</i>! And...to home users, itsw free to boot! I have personally used it on clients machines to clean virus that have actually infected the nav(norton) folder. McAfee is equally lame. AVG is honestly the best out there, at any price, and that isn't fan boy crap..thats professional - on the job- technician experience.

I currently work for the federal gov. we use one of the fore mentioned crap. I have had to on the sly install avg to clean a few machines with the w32/deborm worm, niachi, and sobig.

<i>Benjamin Franklin</i>, <b>" Those who give up liberty for the sake of security deserve neither liberty nor security."</b>
AVG seems to be great, the only thing that bothers me is why they aren't popular,
why MCAFEE & SYMANTEC are the most common?

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