What driver do i need

Sugar boom bastic

Feb 2, 2014
What driver do i need to get past this error message ''a required dvd/cd drive device is missing. if you have a driver floppy disk, cd, dvd, or usb flash drive, please insert it now''
There is no possible way anyone could provide an answer based upon the info you have provided. Go to device manager and look for any unknown devices or know devices that have an exclamation mark requiring a driver. If the the device is listed as unknown, go into the properties for the device, go to the details tab and choose Hardware ID from the Property drop down box. Copy that string and search google with it to see what the device is, then go to the MANUFACTURERS website and grab the required driver.
i assume you are trying to install widows 7 OS or other. If so this issue occurs for one of the following reasons:

The installation DVD is removed during the setup process.

A low-quality DVD was used to create the installation DVD.

The speed at which the installation DVD was burned was too fast.

The DVD drive cannot read the media.

The ISO file is corrupted.