What FPS Should I Be Getting??


Apr 15, 2017
I'm not so sure that I'm getting the FPS I should be getting on my laptop, and I have a buddy with lower specs than I and he gets way more frames than I do with the same settings.

My Specs:
Intel Core i7-7700HQ
GeForce GTX 1050 4GB (Not ti)

This is an Asus laptop. And I have tried so many thinks to solve this. I've updated every driver under the sun and played around in Nvidia Control Panel. Played with power plans etc. Updated BIOS. Nothing... Here's the Amazon link for my laptop: http://

Playing Fortnite (Duh lol) on Epic settings (V-sync disabled, 1080p) I'm getting 40-50 fps. Does that seem right? Is something bottlenecking me?

Generally screen tearing can happen when the frame rate of your video card doesn't match the frame rate of your display.

This explains it well.....it also explains VSync....where you graphics card tries to match the refresh rate of your monitor.

There is also something called GSync....which is not explained in the article.

Think of Gsync as Vsync in reverse. I this case your monitor tries to match the output of your video card.

Sorry for the delay; Found out that if I can reach 60 frames, it won't go over (except on Fortnite, I've gotten it up in the 70s) Tested in 3 games. Haven't got a chance to see cpu usage however. I read somewhere that it's because my display is 60hz, it's locked at 60. Some guys are getting locked at 144.
Vsync will lock your frame rate to the display....IF the graphics card can get there.

So in other words....if your TV lets say is 60 hz and you have VSync enabled....you will never go above 60 hz. You can go below if your system can't get to 60 Hz.

I have it off in both the games And Nvidia Control Panel? I also was reading somewhere that it's a bug in Windows, and this guy said "full screen windowed" fixes it. Will have to try it.


There's also some contradictions with Xbox DVR, so I'll disable that. However I don't see how it could lock me at 60.

Explain screen tearing? I saw something about that.
Generally screen tearing can happen when the frame rate of your video card doesn't match the frame rate of your display.

This explains it well.....it also explains VSync....where you graphics card tries to match the refresh rate of your monitor.

There is also something called GSync....which is not explained in the article.

Think of Gsync as Vsync in reverse. I this case your monitor tries to match the output of your video card.

Gotchya, thanks! So it seems like Vsync is still ok for me, thought it's not lol.

Edit: Also, the full screen windowed worked. Getting upwards of 100 frames high settings.(only csgo)