What is thefastest hard drive i can install in Acer aspire 5750G?



Hello I purcahsed a new Acer aspire 5050G with i7 processor. I upgareded the ram from 4 to 8 gbites. I want to install a fast Hard drive that runs at least 7,500. I need to know whats the best and fastest hard drive the aspire 5750G will support.

Please can you help me.
Trevor. Email: irwin141@msn.com
Get a Solid State Drive for fastest performance. Otherwise just get any 2.5" drive that will fit. The WD Blacks are very good.

Thank you sir. I appreciate your advice. problem is I need to know if my Acer aspire 5750 with Intel i7 processor will take a Solid state drive. does it depend on the chipset or mother board? Can I install any 2.5 drive that runs 7.200 rpm?

I would be grateful for ananswer. Acer do not reccomend upgrades. Idiots! I have alerady upgraded ram from 4 to 8 Gbytes. Now I need a fast hard drive as I us ethe laptop while on Missions abroad Video Processing and burning HD.

Thank you.
