What kind of speaker wire is best for a 5.1 system?


Sep 20, 2017
I am looking at the Yamaha NS-SP1800 5.1 speaker system. specs here in case you need them:
http:// surround system. It got great reviews pretty much everywhere I looked except people said that the speaker wire was small and cheap. (I know this is a noob question, however, I have never bought speaker wire before.)
In general you want speaker wire that is no smaller than 16ga stranded copper. The lower the number the thick the wire. In this case since none of the satellites produces any bass you could go to 18ga if it makes it easier to run a slightly thinner wire.
I have found that the wire gauge is often not what it's stated to be so buy from a responsible seller. Sometimes they don't even know that the wire is incorrectly labeled.

If the included wire is not sufficient, this:

People saying "small and cheap" will probably recommend you to buy Monster at $25 for 6 inches, or other equally foolish nonsense.

TBH, the wire that comes with those speakers probably isn't sufficient for a high powered audiophile quality system. At the same time, you wouldn't be buying these speakers if you were in that crowd. It will work fine. The wire that USAF just suggested would work fine as well.
In general you want speaker wire that is no smaller than 16ga stranded copper. The lower the number the thick the wire. In this case since none of the satellites produces any bass you could go to 18ga if it makes it easier to run a slightly thinner wire.
I have found that the wire gauge is often not what it's stated to be so buy from a responsible seller. Sometimes they don't even know that the wire is incorrectly labeled.