IT seems to me, WikiLeaks, Trump and some, not all, of his White House officials are working by any means necessary to drown out the real story that concerns the American people “The Russians hacking in our election and then use the information to sway the outcome for a Trump win presidency”. This is something I think every American should be concern about!! A foreign country, who wants to weaken our democracy, our leading power and respect from other countries to regain leading power of his own regime. I also believe Trump and his White house close officials, like Steve Bannon and Steve Miller, would risk the security of our country and democracy to fulfill their hidden agenda, which does not include all Americans. For the love of our country, we can’t let that happen!!! So fellow Americans, media and true lawmakers don't be side tracked with this WikiLeaks story, there is nothing there that is concrete compared to the Russian's hacking . This is another distraction from the real story. We know Trump and his close officials wish the Russian hacking investigation will go away. We must for the sake of our democracy find out the real truth behind all this, especially when our own President who does not offers any support or concerns of even wanting to know the real truth. Well this is strange and it really concerns me. Why is Trump bending over backwards to protect and defend Putin? Should we get to know more about who is this President who is now running our country? Who is he? His tax returns will reveal a lot on that. Enough already!!!!!!! I think congress should subpoena his tax returns and find out more on his background and decide if he’s the person who should and is mentally capable of running our country or is he a risk? Enough is enough!!! It is time for our congress, senate and judges to step up and do what’s right for this country and its people. When? God bless America and all its people!!!