So because you're a security guy this gives you the insight to say its "likely part of a Russian disinformation campaign meant to undermine the U.S. intelligence agencies in general, and to more immediately lend credence to President Donald Drumpf's allegations that former President Barack Obama spied on him."???
Any evidence in the leak to support your theory?
Fun find in the leak: A guide on how to use stolen hacking tools from other countries to put their "fingerprints" on CIA ops to make it look like say, oh...the Russians did it.
"Some of the CIA hacking tools mentioned in the WikiLeaks dump are real. Some of them probably are not. We may never truly know which is which."
Given wikileaks 100% accuracy record over the past 10yrs, what makes you think anything in the leak is fake?
Another fun find in the leak: 22,000+ IP addresses WITHIN the United States listed as CIA "TOOs" (targets of opportunity) had to be redacted by Wikileaks. Wow, that's a LOT of terrorists on our own soil, right?