What would you choose ?

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What would you choose : the ASUS G60JX with an Intel Core i3 and an nVidia GTS 360m GPU or the ASUS N61JQ with an Intel Core i7 and an ATI 5730 GPU ?
What would you choose : the ASUS G60JX with an Intel Core i3 and an nVidia GTS 360m GPU or the ASUS N61JQ with an Intel Core i7 and an ATI 5730 GPU ?

Doesn't the G60JX come with an i5 430m?

If it actually does come with an i5 430m, I would choose that over the i7/5730 combination.

You would see better performance in 95% of today's modern games with the core i5, and the 360m also out performs the 5730.

It all depends on what you are using the laptop for though, and how long you may want to keep it "future proofed" for.
In my country it only comes with the i3-330M. From what I read on http://ark.intel.com, the i3 and i5 are not that different

from one another : the i5 has turbo boost when the i3 doesn't and theres the frequency difference : 2.13 MHz vs 2.26 MHz.

Another thing that I could say that I'm worried about is the fact that although the 360M is more powerful than the 5730, it still

has only hardware support for Direct X 10.1 when the 5730 has support for Direct X 11 and since nVidia released the

Fermi GPUs now, that might mean that video game producers might start taking almost full advantage of the features

available in DX 11. In other words, I don't want the GPU on my laptop to become obsolete after just 1 year or so because a

laptop is not something you buy everyday, I think it's something that you definitely hope that will keep you going for at least

1-2 years and as for what I wanna use it : games mostly, video encoding and photo rendering.

So basically u would recomend the ASUS N61JQ because of the i7... Now I have a question : besides the obvious

difference in frequencys and number of cores what other differences are between the i7 and i3 that would make the i7 a

better choice for what I wanna use the laptop for ?
It seems these have pretty similar specs. I think you will see a bigger advantage going with the i7. I think it would run certain games much smoother (GTA IV for instance).
The video cards are close enough in spec that it isnt much of an issue.
how are the cards in the same spec ? I mean the 360m has faster clock speeds for memory, shaders and core and has GDDR5 when the 5730 has clock speeds between 600 and 800 MHz and has DDR3. I mean, the only thing that would keep the 360m "in the past" is the DX version.
So basically u would recomend the ASUS N61JQ because of the i7... Now I have a question : besides the obvious

difference in frequencys and number of cores what other differences are between the i7 and i3 that would make the i7 a

better choice for what I wanna use the laptop for ?

The core I7 has quad cores. It also has hyperthreading. So your computer will see 8 cores instead of just 4. The core I3 only has 2 cores and NO hyperthreading. The I3 may be higher in clock frequency but the core I7 can dynamically overclock UNLIKE the core I3 which is locked into it's speed. Basically you can compare a Core I3 to a v6 ICE engine vs a core I7 V12 ICE engine. The Core I7 will stand up to the test of time better than the I3 mainly due to having more cores. Hope this helps.

indeed I know that the i7 is a quad core and due to HT technology it will show 8 cores, but the i3-330m also has HT and

will show 4 cores.

but now my biggest question is about the GPU. As i wrote a little earlier which one would be better considering the specs:

the 360m has faster clock speeds for memory, shaders and core and has DDR5 when the 5730 has clock speeds

between 600 and 800 MHz and has DDR3. I mean, the only thing that would keep the 360m "in the past" is the DX

the 360m has faster clock speeds for memory, shaders and core and has DDR5 when the 5730 has clock speeds

between 600 and 800 MHz and has DDR3. I mean, the only thing that would keep the 360m "in the past" is the DX


That's not an accurate comparison though. The GPUs run on different architectures, so comparing them by clock speed alone is in no way fare. That's like saying an Intel i7 920 at 2.66ghz shouldn't be able to keep up with a Phenom II X4 965 at 3.2ghz and yet it does.

Now, I'm not saying that in this situation you are wrong. If you look at the synthetic benchmarks, the GTS 360M is indeed faster than the 5730. Notebookcheck.net doesn't have any gaming benchmarks for either of these cards though, so how they will actually perform is up in the air. I have a feeling though that they would be pretty close.
GTS 360M/i3 will give far better gaming performance than i7/5730M because GT 360M performs significantly better than a 5730M
And guys sorry to say this but since there are some Anonymous posts in this thread(which i think its the OP),then I'll close it
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