When replacing a screen, should it match the original's resolution?

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Sep 20, 2012

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FW21Z with a cracked screen and I want to replace it.

The laptop version, is the one with a Full HD screen, and it seems there is another version with a WXGA++ screen (1600x900), so I would like to know if it's possible to replace my laptop's screen with a new WXGA++, I've heard that the resolutions should match but...

Can anyone help me with this? I don't care about the resolution, just use it for work (office and a little of Photoshop), and the difference between the screen prices is really big, about 140€ more expensive the Full HD than the WXGA++ one.

Many thanks for your time 😀
Hi :)

My laptop repair company replaces screens all the time...for IDENTICAL ONES (from number on white sticker on the back of the screen)

SOMETIMES your idea might work...SOMETIMES it wont...

And you WONT get the cost back...if it doesnt work as screen companies are notoriously bad about refunds when there is nothing wrong with the screen...

All the best Brett :)
Woah, that sounds quite accurate 😛

Maybe it could work, and maybe not... what a pain in the ass :cry:

Hi :)

We change broken screens daily...we learnt long ago to get the CORRECT screen (number on sticker)....

Occasionally we have some spares in stock so we try them (generic ones)...around 1 in 10 works....NOT good odds for you...

All the best Brett :)
Hi again,

I've checked a lot of support pages, and I have no trace about if it's possible or not to do this...

As long as I found out, there are different versions of this laptop, but all of them has 2 screens, WXGA++ or WUXGA, in the following link you can see the two last items, two different screens for the same laptop 😛


I'll unmount the screen panel, let's see the serial :pt1cable:
Hi there!

The screen is Sharp, :lol: and the serial number is LQ164M1LA4A but it's only useful to find a new screen like this one 😱

I'm not sure about what could be the serial of the LCDcablem so in it's sticker appears this:

080924 REV: A

Still don't have any clue about if it will work or not :cry:

Any more ideas?

Many thanks by the way, for all the comments 😀
Greetings again,

Sorry for refloating this old thread, but I'm still trying to replace the screen, and I have a small budget...

I've found two nice deals, but the serial numbers of the screens are "LQ164M1LA4A B" and "LQ164M1LA4A C". Still a bit confused, because the serial number on the cracked screen is just "LQ164M1LA4A".

Can anyone tell me if any of those will work on my laptop? They look identical as the cracked screen, and seems to have the same specs, but I'm not shure, and the dealer don't knows either :cry:

PWNED!!! :??:

It seems I'm condemned to sell it as spares/parts and get a new laptop, a new replacement screen is about 250$ if I'm lucky :cry:

Anyway, thanks for all your help, and excuse me again for refloating a so old thread 😗
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