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Hello Zoyburg;
Well, I already have a Horizon to Horizon mount on the dish, so would
not need the multiple LNB's. I guess what I need is a LNB with the
standard 1.5" circular throat that would receive the circular
polarized signals and work with a Pansat 2500A. Does anyone make such
an animal?
I also read somewhere that you can use a Universal LNB in place of the
circular polarized one with a corresponding 3 db decrease in signal
strength, have you ever tried this? The dish is 76 Cm dish so
perhaps there would be enough signal to overcome the polarization
Otherwise, I could try to fabricate a bracket out of wood that would
put the focal point of the Dish LNB at the dish focal point, but that
would not be easy for me to do.
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 05:59:13 GMT, Zoyburg <> wrote:
>Jim wrote:
>> I presently have a 76 cm dish with linear LNB. I ordered Pansat 2500
>> and would like to replace the present Universal LNB (which has a round
>> body that is clamped between two semicircles) with a Dual Dish LNB,
>> which has an entirely different method of mounting. Will I have to
>> fabricate my own bracket or is there a place I an order an adapter to
>> allow using the new LNB with the old dish arm?
>> Thanks.
>Forget the Dish LNB. Instead, use 3 DTV LNBs like the Gain Master:
>Specifically, study they're LNB mounting strategy shown in:
>If your dish can't skew, then you'll need a slightly different system to
>account for skew. You'll need to be able to rotate the 3 LNBs in a line.
>However, it might work better if you construct a skew mount for your dish.
>If your dish is on a polar mount (like with a motor), then you don't need
>to worry about skew.