Which is preferable for gaming, the ASUS Or Acer with 64 or 128 bit GPU


Aug 19, 2013
I'm torn between an Acer:
-AMD A-Series A8-5557M(2.10GHz)
-4GB Memory 500GB HDD
-AMD Radeon HD 8750M (128 bit - 2GB)

and an ASUS:
-Intel Core i5 3230M(2.60GHz)
-6GB Memory 500GB HDD
-NVIDIA GeForce GT 610M (64 bit - 1GB)

I don't quite know what to think. I need a laptop for about ~$500 dollars which these satisfy, with some gaming capability, and minimal office and student potential.

What I don't know is, is it preferable to have the ASUS with a better processing speed and 2 gigs more memory, with a 64 bit GPU, or the Acer, with a 128 bit GPU that seems to be better than the ASUS (which looks to be 1 iota above intel integraded HD)?

Perhaps the Acer for expansion and longevity?
The first Acer you listed is the best one. The Asus laptop has a better CPU, but it has much weaker graphics. As for the one byogamingpc listed it has the same CPU but again significantly weaker graphics. I m planning to buy the first laptop you listed also, so unless you want to pay more money or you want to maybe wait 6 months for Steamroller, you wan to get that one. No other computer that I have seen after searching amazon, newegg, tigerdirect, dell, best buy, and other sites for several days in search of the best laptop for me to personally get I found none that are better than this one at its price.

I recently found this laptop also:

I is $100 more expensive but has...

Eh, mostly the things that bench okay on the ATI, like Deus Ex, other single player games, some CS:S and GO. I know it wont be able to much of the newer, intensive stuff but I'm not expecting a beast for my limitations. Why do you ask, are some engines more effective than others for each card?
It's pretty close as the trade offs kind of balance each system out.
The A8 has more cores which is good and the graphics has a bigger bus and more memory which is also good!
The intel has a higher clock and the cpu can be removed and replaced/upgraded depending on the model.
After looking at all this.......... I would go for the Acer provided that there is solid warranty and support!
Hope this helps.... JQ

I actually saw this one before! I passed it up because I thought it wasn't as strong as the other two, mostly due to the 64 bit GPU and the lower GHz processor. I'm curious, what makes this one better (its not quite out of my range)?

Also, just found this which is almost the same as the Acer

"After looking at all this.......... I would go for the Acer provided that there is solid warranty and support!
Hope this helps.... JQ"

It does, thanks!
The first Acer you listed is the best one. The Asus laptop has a better CPU, but it has much weaker graphics. As for the one byogamingpc listed it has the same CPU but again significantly weaker graphics. I m planning to buy the first laptop you listed also, so unless you want to pay more money or you want to maybe wait 6 months for Steamroller, you wan to get that one. No other computer that I have seen after searching amazon, newegg, tigerdirect, dell, best buy, and other sites for several days in search of the best laptop for me to personally get I found none that are better than this one at its price.

I recently found this laptop also:

I is $100 more expensive but has a better CPU and graphics to pay for it. It isn't a huge increase in both but it is still well worth the price if you wish to go up that much.

I was heavily considering that one actually, what turned me away from it was the review, from what I read about that GPU it comes in a 64 and 128 bit variant and the one from Newegg, according to the reviewer, is the 64 bit. I don't know how you can otherwise tell what it is or perhaps specify upon ordering.

Not sure where you saw that it has a 64-bit version of the GPU, but this card only comes in 128-bit version. See here:

So I personally would get this on:

I am extremely tempted to get it myself. I have looked over laptops on all those sites like I said for days now and cannot find a better deal at all. The only other considerable one to me is the one I listed earlier and I already decided I wouldn't want it personally.

The only reason I am considering not getting it is because Steamroller like I said comes out in 6 months and will have numerous improvements, and that will be the last major CPU upgrade for a year and its really tempting to wait for it.
Not sure where you saw that it has a 64-bit version of the GPU, but this card only comes in 128-bit version. See here:

I am extremely tempted to get it myself. I have looked over laptops on all those sites like I said for days now and cannot find a better deal at all. The only other considerable one to me is the one I listed earlier and I already decided I wouldn't want it personally.

The only reason I am considering not getting it is because Steamroller like I said comes out in 6 months and will have numerous improvements, and that will be the last major CPU upgrade for a year and its really tempting to wait for it.[/quotemsg]

Oh, I was referring to the Toshiba, with the Nvidia 740M GPU. I can't seem to find anything distinguishing the bit-size.

You may be right, but unfortunately my laptop just died, so this is an emergency purchase for me, waiting isn't much of a factor for me 😀


Oh, I was referring to the Toshiba, with the Nvidia 740M GPU. I can't seem to find anything distinguishing the bit-size.

You may be right, but unfortunately my laptop just died, so this is an emergency purchase for me, waiting isn't much of a factor for me 😀


Oh yes I see what you are saying now then lol. Well I didn't find anything anywhere else so I would say the review is the best person to trust. If it only has the 64-bit of data width, I don't think it matters that it is the Nvidia740M inside of it, because it will be bottlenecked by that so badly it will never make full use of the graphics core.

That being said I think you should probably stick with the quad core AMD CPU with the 8750. I do believe it probably has a slower graphics core and a slower CPU, but the CPU isn't way slower. The graphics core is a good bit slower but it has 128-bit while the other is limited to the 64-bit so I think that will actually limit the 740M and help the 8750M so significantly that the 8750M will perform better. I maintain it as being the best choice once you have pointed out the lower band width.

Oh and believe me, lol if I get any more tempted or Newegg tries to run even a slight discount on this thing then I am not going to wait either! I can't stop arguing with myself to go ahead and buy it how it is.